Vale Adventures

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Last Time on 'RWBY VR MMO RPG'

(Y/N) came into contact with the gods themselves. They offered him a chance to be the pawn in there experiment with Rement, and he agreed. Fighting his way through several Grimm and Bandits along the way. He learned the basics of how to fight in this new world. What will happen when he goes into town and starts up trouble here... Find out, now!

(A/N): The last chapter will be updated with the a little 'next time on 'RWBY VR MMO RPG' thing along with every chapter that comes after this. So quickly go back a page, read that and then come read the rest of the chapter.

(Y/N)'s POV

After soldering through the forest for, I kid you not, 5 HOURS!!!!!! I FINALLY make it too some kind of town, or city. After climbing hills, killing Grimm, and falling off and proceeding to scale up a water falls... Yeah, I don't ask.

I'm exhausted, I'm hungry...

I'm cold, I'm wet, THERE'S A FISH ON MY HEAD!!!!

Darkness: No your not.



Light: We make several alterations to your body so that you'll always be acting at 100% maximum power.

Darkness: We've made it so that you don't need to sleep, but doing so will replenish your health. You also no longer need to eat, but doing so will replenish health. If you carry snacks with you, then you'll be able to recover health mid battle.

Light: And temperate changes are not a problem because you're body with quickly adjust so you can survive in any environment. As for the moisture, that'll go away. Faster thanks to us.

... But what about the fish...

Light: Just take it off. No one likes your references.

Feeling hurt, I swat the fish away.

Without realizing it, I had walked quite a bit into the city while the gods were talking. There wasn't skyscrapers or extremely tall buildings. But small apartment buildings, local stores and small businesses. This small local feeling puts me at ease as my clothes dry at a rapid rate and the cold feeling I felt starts to evaporate form the core of my being.

However every was a bit hard too make out, as the Darkness of the night put a shadow of most things in my vision. The people around me, normal people living there own lives are like shadows in themselves. I couldn't make out any facial features on anyone. Almost like blank slates within the world. It's very unsettling how I can't see anyone faces. Can they see mine? I can see everything else relatively fine but-

Light: You shouldn't care about these people.


Darkness: You shouldn't concern themselves with opinions of the insignificant. These people don't matter to your new life. They could go all dead and it wouldn't matter.


Light: But nothing. Just keep walking. You'll get too the main story soon enough.

... The slap in the face was a simple fact that I had forgotten so quickly. They're Gods. They don't, and will never see things the way I do. They don't look at the details, just the bigger picture.

They only care about me because I'm there play thing. Nothing more. I get filled with a sense of dread as I had forgotten the situation they had layed out too me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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