chapter thirty.

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ALLISON OPENED HER EYES AND LOOKED AROUND, SEEING MAGGIE HOVERING OVER HER, PUMPING THE LARGE TUBE THAT WAS DOWN HER THROAT. Once the woman realized that there was something in her throat, she started to choke, now being able to breathe on her own. Maggie noticed this and instantly took it out, Allison trying to catch her breath.

"You're okay." Maggie laughed in relief.

Allison nodded and smiled at her as she gave her some type of tea, her sipping it immediately and sighed once she felt the warm liquid go down her throat soothingly. "Yeah. I'm good." She panted.

"I'll go get Daddy." Maggie told her and she nodded, drinking the rest of the tea.

She heard a knock on the window in the small room she was in and looked up, smiling once she saw Daryl, holding up a bag of what looked like medicine. She walked over to the window slowly, not wanting to push herself. "Back so soon?" She joked, closing her eyes in exhaustion.

"You look like shit." Daryl pointed out, her laughing at that.

"Yeah, I bet I do." She pushed her hair back and sighed, looking at him in the eyes. "Got something for me?"

Daryl nodded and the door opened, revealing Bob, holding another bag of supplies.

"Let's get you healed up." Daryl smirked at her, holding out a cup in one hand and the medicine in the other.


The next day, Allison woke up with her lungs feeling fresh and her breathing stable. She sat up and felt a bit of pain in her head, wincing.

"Don't wanna push yourself." She heard from across the room, seeing Daryl, sitting in a chair across the room.

"I'll be fine." Allison told him, placing her feet on the cold ground. She now realized that he must've been there a while as she looked to his exhausted eyes and his feet sprawled in an uncomfortable position. "You've been here all night?" She was unable to hold her smile once she said that, him smiling back slightly, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks, sensing something was wrong by the way he touched his hair every so often as he sat and how he chewed on his bottom lip.

"It's Carol." He says quietly, looking away from her as she caught his eyes. "She didn't make it when we were out."

"What?" Allison is taken aback by his statement, leaning up in her spot. "How?"

Daryl shakes his head, his hair falling in front of his face. "There was a herd. They got to her." He sniffs loudly, a tear falling from his eye.

Allison watches as he sits in silence, mourning one of the closest people to him. "Are you okay?"

Daryl nods, wiping away the tear quickly. "I'm good."

"Yeah?" Allison scoots closer to him, searching his eyes.


Although her brain was telling her to just leave him alone, she grips his hand tightly, squeezing momentarily before letting go.

Suddenly, a large rumble breaks them apart, the prison grounds shaking under their feet. Daryl grips onto Allison's arm, holding her up right as she nearly stumbles to the floor.

"What the fuck was that?"

As she walked out the prison, the bright sun in her eyes almost blinded her, as she hasn't been out in the sun for days from her time in the prison. As soon as the heat hit her, sweat heads formed on her head, the energy in her body escaped as she almost tumbled to the floor, coughing lightly. "Oh,

As she looks up through her hair, she saw a man, no, the Governor, on top of a tank with his people pointing their guns towards the prison. Her eyes catch a guard tower on fire from afar, her guessing that they had shot it with their canon and that's what the rumbling was from.

As she looked closer she saw it was the governor, a smug look on his face as he yelled at Rick to come down and talk.

"Son of a bitch." Allison whispered, rolling her eyes, her and Daryl making their way towards the rest of the group.

Rick yelled back, telling him there's now a council at the prison that makes the decisions, not him. The governor then revealed that he was holding Hershel and Michonne, forcing the two to get on their knees.

Allison's eyes water as she walked closer towards the gate, as did her sisters, wanting nothing more than to hold their father at the moment. Beth gripped onto her hand and squeezed tightly, as did Maggie. The three sisters praying for their dad to make it out of this.

The governor and Rick continued to speak instinctively as Daryl tapped on Allison's shoulder, handing her a gun. She loosened her grip on her sisters hands and grabbed it, pointing it towards the man that was threatening their group, aiming to get a clear shot.

She stared at her father as he sat down hopelessly on the floor. Her eyes teared up as she imagined her life without him. All her life, he's been taking care of her. From the time when she tried to kill herself, to when she lost her baby to now. He has been with her through the hardest times and she could never thank him enough for that.

Allison saw the governor walked towards car and come back with a sword, placing it around Hershel's neck. "No." She whispered as her finger hovered over the trigger on the gun, ready to shoot.

Suddenly, the man moved the sword away from her fathers neck and she sighed in relief, the weight coming off her chest.

But that weight came right back as he swung the sword in, slicing open Hershel's neck. Allison couldn't hear anything else as she instantly shot, hitting the man in his left shoulder.

The shots flew near her head, her ducking down in fear as her vision was blurry from all the tears. "Maggie!" She yelled once she saw her sister run inside the prison. She knew she didn't hear her once she didn't turn around.

Allison shot whoever was in her way that she didn't know. She felt a sharp pain on her shoulder and turned around, a girl from the other group pointing their gun at her. She instantly shot them and looked to her shoulder, seeing it was just a graze.

As she ran inside towards the prison, there was an explosion from beside her, Allison feeling the heat on her skin. She hid behind a pillar while breathing heavily, her heart feeling like it was gonna come out of her chest. Looking to her left, she saw a walker coming towards Daryl, who was reloading his gun as a bunch of men shot his way him.

With the flick of her wrist, the knife lodged itself into the walkers skull and just as she went to retrieve her knife, she felt a hand on her arm and she turned around, seeing Daryl with sadness in his eyes. "We gotta go!" He yelled over the gunfire.

"No! I saw the kids in there, I'm gonna go get them." Allison told him. She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. "If I don't come back in two minutes... go. I'll find you. I promise."

With that, the woman left, her hand slipping out from his, not knowing whether she would see him again.

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