💮1 - Reincarnation💮

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A table split into half as a young woman around 17 or 18 smash her hands on the table making it flew and split. She was enrage after finding out that her fiancé was secretly going out with the enemy from another clan. If she had known that her lover would fall from another girl while they were spying, she shouldn't have suggested him!

She wanted nothing more than the girls head, who seduce her lover. And the fool was caught up on the trap! Who wouldn't be enrage?!

She sighed in disbelief and sat down on the kitchen table-drinking some alcohol to wash away the pain. Closing both of her eyes and sulk on the chair. She's in pain, thinking about her lover that she loved since the day they met but in just a blink of an eye, she died inside.

"I hate you Lukas." She murmured as tears stream down towards his cheeks, and at the same time she felt pain on her abdomen-fresh blood spurt out of her mouth as she crash on the ground. And their she saw her loving fiancé who was gripping his dagger and was coated with blood.

Realization hit her, her heart numb and eyes went dull, she can feel her breathe shorten and at the same time her fiancé kneel in the floor as tears escape from his eyes. He hug his fiancé tight, feeling his heart ache.

'What have I done?'

"L-lily..I'm sorry." His words stumble as he tightly embrace his fiancé.

"W-why would you d-do that?...." She ask in a shaky tone, staring at the young man. She was puzzled. Why would her lover kill her? They've been together since they were five and loved each other. She can only smile helplessly as her breathe shortened. The young man's tears strolled down from his cheek and tighten his hold on his fiancé.

"I'm sorry my love...I-I'm really sorry." He repeated those words many times as tears continue rolling down from his cheeks like an endless water fall. He felt his chest tighten, staring at the gentle face of the young girl.

"I-I shouldn't have listen to her." He regretted everything, for not spending his time with his fiancé but to a girl from the other clan that was their biggest enemy. He believe that he love the girl and chose her, instead of his real lover. Now he deeply regret it.

"I s-shouldn't have fall for h-her." She continue spouting regrets, holding the girl tight. She smiled and place her hands in the young man's before saying

"I-I understand...It was a f-fool of me to let you fall for h-her...." Her eyelids went heavy as her hands fall down from the ground before closing her eyes. And realization hit the man.

"L-lily? Lily?! Lily!!" He shook the girl a couple of times before stopping and cried on her chest.

And that time a girl around five or six was bedridden, on her large room alone. She was bedridden in a week now but no one still visited her. She felt like she was for gotten and just want to die.

"Just because my mana pool is weak that doesn't mean they have to forget me right?" She mumbled as tears stream down from her cheeks. She was already a disappointment to her family because of her frail movements and weak body. Now her disappointment increase in ten folds because of her mana pool. Last weak she and her twin brother went to the Glistu Hall to awaken their mama pool. She was unfortunate, and had a very weak mana pool. Compared to her brother, it's only 1/4 of it. And after awakening her mana pool she got sick and was bedridden.

"Can I just die?" She mumbled to her self clutching the blanket tightly. And before she know it. Golden veins pop out from her body and at the same time a magic circle is visible on the girls forehead. Her violet eyes turned red and her light blue hair turned pitch black. And with that her wish have been fulfilled-she died. Just like that. Her pitch black hair turned to normal with her eyes.

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