chapter 1

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Roya sat in the back of the car as Alice drove and Bella was trying not to panic. they had just arrived in Volterra and Roya could barely hear Bella's voice above her heartbeat and loud breathing. "Why is everyone wearing red?" Bella asked as she breathed harshly and clutched her head between her hands.

"Saint Marcos day festival. The people are celebrating the banishing of vampires from the city. It's the perfect setting, The Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself." Alice explained to her.

"We have 5 minutes," Bella says frantically, and Alice calmly responds, "I know. Bella breathe calmly," and the car suddenly screeches to a halt on a roadblock. 

Bella gets out of the car and when she notices Roya and Alice staying in the car she frantically asks, "Alice?!" 

"You're the only one he can't see coming. if we go he'll hear our thoughts and think we're lying and he'll rush into it." Alice explains and Bella looks ready to cry and she's looking around.

Bella swallows and asks again "Where do I go?" she was waiting for Alice's response. "He'll be under the clock tower." Alice says, and Roya leans across the seats and urges her to run, "Now go Bella." Roya says.

Bella runs off and Alice gets out of the car and Roya scurries to follow behind her. They walk quickly in silence and find their own way to the clock tower pushing and dodging through the crowd of people dressed in red. Roya stole one of their coats and put it on so no light could hit her on accident.

They enter under the clock tower and see Edward and Bella and two other vampires who Roya had never seen before. Edward was standing protectively in front of Bella.

"Come on guys. It's a festival. we don't wanna make a scene." Alice said as she took off her hood and stepped protectively in front of the two. Roya stayed next to the door unmoving.

The two men turn to look at the newcomers and their eyes immediately turn to the unfamiliar young vampire who stood by the door. Felix responds to Alice without taking his eyes off Roya, "There won't be any scene, and we'll still win." 

"Not without difficulty," Edward says and his eyes shift to the approaching figure of a small girl who was glaring at the group with her angry crimson eyes. she lifts her hood off her head and glares harshly at each one of them.

"Enough!" The girl calls and Roya's eyes are immediately trained on her. Roya felt something inside her chest coil around her heart like a snake and she felt a pang of admiration and respect at the sight of the girl as if she was something to be protected till your own death.

Felix and Demetri step away to give her a direct line of sight and the Cullens. Alice and Edward stiffen and they step closer to Bella. Bella begins to look scared and her heartbeat gets louder and louder and she tries to control her harsh breathing.

"Jane," Edward says and nods to her. Bella clings to his arm.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long. Follow me." Jane says and turns around and heads up the alley she came from, confident that they would follow. Felix smirks and gestures for them to go ahead of him. He passed Edward an overcoat when he passed by him.

 Bella looks to Alice for answers and comfort but Alice only looks ahead and says, "Just do as she says." 

Roya walks behind Bella and puts her cold hand on Bella's shoulder and says, "Worry not dear Bella, my siblings and I will risk our lives to protect you." 

Roya's voice rang like a bell into the three Volturi's ears and they all turned their heads to look at her. 

Jane's eyes widened and she felt protective of the brunette girl who was rubbing the human's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Felix and Demetri looked at each other and they were confused yet exited for no reason whatsoever.

Edward looked at Roya protectively. he had heard all their thoughts and he didn't like how they thought of her as if they were her family, she wasn't a monster like them and she would never be a part of their family.

Jane led them across many narrow alleyways and Edward still hasn't loosened his grip on Bella's hand.

Their path ends at a wall of brick. Jane strides forward and gracefully drops down into an open hole in the street. It's a drain, Bella realises. Alice swiftly follows Jane and Roya looks at Bella comfortingly and she drops down as well and disappears into the darkness.

"It's okay, Alice will catch you," Edward says to Bella and drops her into the hole. True to Edward's words, Alice caught Bella easily. The rest came down as well and they continued walking. Edward pulled Bella close protectively. 

"Don't be scared," Edward said to Bella in a low voice and Bella looked toward him and asked, "Are you?" Edward swallowed quietly and thanked god that he was a mind reader and not someone else. He looked down at Bella and hoped he sounded sincere when he responded with "No."

The group reached a folding iron elevator door and Jane easily opened it and they all crammed inside the small elevator and the doors closed loudly.

They all stood in awkward silence and Bella's heartbeat was the only sound other than elevator music. Roya was pressed against both Felix and Demetri and she saw Edward glance at her with worry and she soon realised that she should be terrified. She was beyond confused and her mind began to throw thoughts at her that grew increasingly worse and Edward nudged Alice and Alice turned around to Roya and grabbed her hand gently. Demetri looked at the two female vampires confusedly.

Just then the doors opened and they walked out. Roya glanced around with her eyes and admired how elegant everything was. Her eyes trailed to the human receptionist who was standing up and she said "Buon pomeriggio." Roya thought she was quite pretty but it was a shame she would most likely turn into a late night snack.

The group walked past her as she sat down and Bella turned her curious gaze to Edward and she asked, "Is she human?" "yes." Came the bell sounding answer from behind her. Bella turned to look at Roya and Roya smiled reassuringly.

"Does she know?" Bella asked, turning back to Edward who looked down at her and said, "Yes." Bella confusedly asked, "Then why would... She wants to be." 

"And so she will be," Demetri said from behind her. Roya turned her head to look at him and she forgot that she was meant to be terrified because she felt protected just like she used to when her brother defended her from bullies when she was young.

"Or dessert," Jane said and walked ahead of them to the large double doors and she opened them once again effortlessly.


Not edited 

posted on 11th of April 2020

Word Count: 1203

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