Chapter 2

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Jane opened the doors and walked in first. A young boy who stood at the middle of the big hall turned to them and he said, "sister, they sent you out to get one and you bring back three, and a half. Such a clever girl." Jane walks over to the boy and finally comes to a stop next to him.

Roya's eyes are on the boy before he even speaks. She knows there are three more powerful presences in the room that were demanding her attention but she couldn't bring her eyes away from the boy who smirked towards Jane.

Roya saw his head begin to turn to her and Roya tears her gaze away from him and towards the three men who were sitting on the thrones.

The middle one stands and holds his arms out and says "what a happy surprise. Bella is alive after all." He clasps his hands together and walks towards Edward. "Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending. They are so rare." the man says and grabs Edwards hand and looks t him. Bella gasps quietly.

"Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" Aro says as he glances at Bella.

"It's not without difficulty," Edward responds quickly to take aro's attention off of Bella.

It worked and Aro turned back to him and said, "I can see that."

Edward turned to Bella and explained, "Aro can read every thought I've ever had by one touch. And now you know everything. So get on with it." 

"You're quite a soul reader yourself, Edward. Though you can't read Bella's thoughts. fascinating." Aro walked backwards a few steps and continued, "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts as well. Would you do me the honour?" He holds out his hand for Bella and Bella steps forward hesitantly and after a small pause, she finally places her hand in his cold one.

Aro pulls her towards himself and grasps her hand firmly and tries to focus. After a few seconds, he looks up surprised and says "interesting. I see nothing." He let's go of her hand and walks towards his throne but he turns back around and says, "I wonder... Let us see if she is immune to all our powers. Shall we Jane?" Jane and Alec turned from their master to the human girl.

Roya stiffened and stepped closer to Bella holding onto her shoulder comfortingly but everything else about her was screaming danger.

The Volturi guards prepared for a fight to break out but Roya stayed put next to Bella as Edward stepped forward and growled, "No!"

Jane under her breath mumbled, "Pain." And suddenly Edward arched over and he screamed in pain. That was when Roya moved. She ran in front of Edward and now she was directly in front of Jane's eyes. Alec thought she was moving to harm his sister so he let black mist come from the palms of his hand and engulf her and take away her senses.

Roya collapsed and Jane felt slightly relieved that she didn't hurt her on accident. Edward still screamed in pain and Roya yelled panicked "Give me back my sight! Now!" Alice moved forward but Demetri ran to her and grabbed her so she couldn't move. 

"Give her back her sight or her-" Alice tried to say but was cut off by a guard screaming in fright as a shadow grabbed him and began to try to rip his arms off. All around them shadows began to attack the guards. Oddly enough the shadows didn't touch any of the Cullens or the main guards. "Give her sight back," Alice said panicking as one of the shadows began to approach Bella and Edward. 

Alec is confused and startled and he lets Roya see again and immediately the shadows seem to collapse and go back to their original places.

"What a marvellous power she has. Alec, Jane." Aro says and both the twins turn to him and Alec lets the mist retreat back away from Roya who stands up and runs to Alice. Demetri lets go of Alice and takes a step away. Roya runs into Alice's arms and Alice hugs her and starts whispering to her about nothing. 

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