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It was one big commotion at the corridor leading to the main hall. The door to Mr. Rothman's office was wide open and students were clustering up in hallways in a hurry.

'She's been injured', someone shouted in derision as few of the kids around them gasped. Ru's blood ran cold.

There was another person shouting,

'There's blood oh my god!'

'Shut up Valerie! We can see that!' Someone snapped at the girl who was shouting at the top of her lungs.

'Someone call the dean!' a voice shouted, 'she's not breathing!'

'Make way!' a rough voice announced as someone tumbled in through the crowd in a hurry, 'Please don't block the door guys! Please!'

It was that boy Mel disliked, rushing into the midst of the crowd nearly pushing people off. Ru stared at the boy. He looked completely different, his smirk was replaced by a different look entirely. His jaws were tightened and his shoulders were rigid.

Mel stared at him intently as he pushed past everyone and kneeled down next to someone on the floor. Ru and Mel pushed in through the crowd closer to the office and both of them gasped at what they saw.

There was a girl lying on the floor, she had a something jammed up her shoulder and one side was entirely drenched in blood.

'Someone please go and say there's an emergency!' the guy shouted as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around the girls shoulder without moving her.

'Can you help me?' he looked up at the two girls standing frozen at the door.

'She's not breathing, probably the shock. Plus she's been losing a lot of blood', he said in a shaky voice.

He immediately began pressing his hands against the girl's chest at a steady pace. Ru went and knelt down next to him and so did Mel. She was in a sort of trance, although usually she was good at handling situations, something about this particular situation before her had completely rattled her.

'Call an ambulance, Melanie', the guy said, without looking up from what he was doing.

The girl looked at him surprised for a second and then quickly recovered and took out her phone. After a minute or so she quickly told what had happened to the ambulance service and hung up. She looked curiously at Ru and the other guy, who were giving CPR alternatively to the girl.

'You know stuff', he said, smiling at Ru.

By this time Ru's displeasure of the guy had melted away, she shrugged with a smile. Just then some of the in-house lecturers and the Dean came running inside in a hurry as the students stood aside to make way. They stopped short at the sight of students clustered around the bleeding girl. Some of the lecturers gasped.

'What happened here? The faculty called the police they are on the way', the Dean said loudly, 'What are you kids doing?!'

Luckily just then, the police and the ambulance staff rushed in. Everyone got out the way as they attended to the girl. Everyone was dispersed in a short while and the doors of the office shut close as the she was hoisted out in a stretcher.

Ru and Mel called Mavis, Kira and Wes over, they had run to inform the main office what had happened and were now making their way towards the hall.

'What happened you guys?' Wes asked, panicking,

'They took her, I think she ll be okay', Mel responded,

'She lost of a lot of blood but one of the medics said she was okay. I think it worked', Ru added. Mel quickly explained to the others what happened after which they praised the girls for how they had handled the situation.

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