My Lucy - Part 1

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I walked into the restaurant and all the memories hit me.

It was one year ago Lockwood confessed his feelings for me, one year ago we got together. And that's why we were supposed to meet here, where everything happened.

Being together with Lockwood is like being in love with the night. He was so mysterious and you never knew what he could come up with. He could be so beautiful, just like stars, but he also got me to wonder why he chooses me. Why was he with me when he could've had any girl in the world?

"Your my world, " he used to say. "I can't live without you. You make me smile, laugh and you make me feel home."

I called him just as I walked out the door to 35 Portland Row and he said that there was something he needed to do before our dinner, and that's why he's late. Just like last time. But it's Lockwood we're talking about. My Lockwood.

I walked through the restaurant and sat down at the table where everything started, the table we sat at when we had the talk. The table he said he liked me at.

I took my jacket off and laid it down next to me and I jumped when I suddenly heard a voice.

"Well, isn't it Lucy?" I turned around to see a familiar face.

His dark blue eyes met mine and he had a big grin on his face.

"Oh, hi Jack!" I said and smiled. "Long time no see, " I said and he nodded.

"How are you, I haven't heard of you in a really long time. Everything good?"

Just as he did last time in this restaurant, he sat down in front of me and his grin just grew.

"Im good, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking."

He smiled at me, a smile that I used to think was cute. I mean, he looked good, but he couldn't compare to Lockwood. Lockwood was the most beautiful, handsome and sexiest guy alive, and nothing in the world could change that.

"So, " he began. "I guess your friends are late again, " I smiled.

"Actually, yes. How did you know?"

He put his hand on the table and laughed.

"That's what happened last time, don't you remember?"

"Trust me, I do. Lockwood is always late, to everything."

He nodded.

"I'm not, " he said and as if I was supposed to be impressed.

"But should I be honest? I think it kind of cute to be late, " I said. "Like, it's charming in a way. You get me?"

He smiled.

"Absolutely, as long as it's not way too late."

I smiled at him. He was nice and I would've loved to have him as a friend. But I know Lockwood doesn't like him, and because I love Lockwood, I just stay away from Jack. It easy.

Lockwood hasn't asked me to do it, I just know he doesn't want me to be around him. And I get it. Just before he confessed his feelings, Jack sat and flirted with me, so I totally get him.

We sat like that for a few minutes. He's actually really funny and I can't stop myself from laughing.

Lockwood's POV
It's like the history is repeating itself.

I walked into the restaurant and the first thing I see is Lucy sitting with the stupid guy Jack.

I don't like him. Not at all. And why, you might ask?
Well, he likes Lucy. He likes my baby. And I just... I just don't like him.

I know I shouldn't be jealous, but it's kinda hard when your girlfriend is sitting and laughing with another guy, especially at your one year anniversary.

I just stood there, frozen, as I watched them talk. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but Lucy's laugh filled up the whole restaurant.

Slowly, I started to move forward and hoped that Lucy would see me. Well, I mean, she has eyes, so she must see me.

But of course, she was all up in their conversation that she wouldn't even see me.
I could almost hear how my heart broke a bit.

"Hi babe!" I said and grinned the biggest grin I could at Jack as I sat down next to her.

She smiled back and her beautiful hazel eyes shimmered.
I put my arm around her shoulders and she put her head on my shoulder.

"You know Jack, " she said and I smiled at him.

He stared at me, with so much hate in his eyes that I actually thought he would kill me then and there. But he didn't. He just kept looking at me.

He tensed his jaw and looked back at Lucy.

"Well, I'll pick you up tomorrow, is two okay?" he asked and I could feel how my whole body tensed.

Lucy pulled her eyebrows together and lifted her head from my shoulder.

"What?" she asked and looked at Jack. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll see you tomorrow, " Jack answered, stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

I let go of Luce's shoulder and just looked her in the eyes.

"What was he talking about?" I asked and felt how my breath got heavier. "Seriously, Luce. What was he talking about?"

She shrugged and put her hand around my chin.

"I don't know? I think he just got jealous when he saw that I have the most handsome man in the world."

She leaned in and her soft lips met mine. How is it even possible to love someone this much?

Slowly she pulled away and opened her gorgeous eyes.

"You don't have to worry about him, I promise."

I nodded.

"I just love you so much, " I said and kissed her again.
And it was true. I really did love her.

Jack's POV
I looked at them through the window and saw how happy they were.

He, the stupid Anthony Lockwood, had taken Lucy away from me.

My Lucy!

Lucy, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen is now smiling at somebody else and I couldn't stand the thought.

One day she would look at me the way she looked at him, I thought to myself

And that's when I decided I needed to get rid of him.

I needed to kill Anthony Lockwood

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