Final chapter: Captain Hook

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Demir couldn't believe his ears. He leaned towards the door trying to hear well. "Demir!" there was no mistake here was his father calling him outside. Demir looked at Selin's swollen knee and knew he will have to answer some questions soon. 

Selin was still limping forward when she heard her grandmother's voice calling her.  

"Let's run to the back door! we still have time before Captain Hook will get in here!" Selin said in urgency.

Demir looked at her and asked "What's your name?"

"Wendy!" Selin was losing patience as they were losing time

"Right. Right. Of course you are..." Demir mumbled

Unable to think clearly of a logical explanation to their situation, he decided to just get out and get it over with. He gave Selin the most reassuring smile he could, and looking into her eyes he helped her to the door and out in the sun. It was late afternoon already, and as soon as Demir's eyes adjusted back to daylight, he noticed an elderly lady standing next to his dad. 

The lady came closer and hugged Selin's other waist without saying a word. Demir examined Selin's face as her smile was gone and her eyes were looking at the setting sun. Selin seemed to be inhaling its warmth and with her eyes closed she seemed almost praying. A halo of light around her dark hair and a scar above her right eye. Demir wanted to carve this picture into his memory. 

Demir turned to his father with a question mark on his face. His dad didn't come to visit him on his last birthday sending him his present and a card explaining he's on a business trip at the other side of Turkey. Attila knew exactly what the question was about and explained he happened to be in the area when his teacher called to report Demir was missing. They started walking away in silent.

"Hey! Peter Pan! You will return again, right? I still want to fly!"Selin shouted to him. Both Demir and his father turned around to see her. Demir never replied and saw a pick up truck coming for the lady and the little girl. The girl hopped on the truck easily and Demir was shaking his head and smiling. Attila couldn't miss that rare smile of his only sun and examined the girl as much as he could from a distance.

As they were safely driving to Demir's school, Demir was thinking about the scar the little girl had above her eye. He wondered what other adventures she's had before. Attila was enjoying his son's happy mood he never dared to question him on the events. Attila thought that the little girl reminded him of his wife but he didn't give it too much thought. Seeing his son smiling to himself all the way to school was a first.

16 Years later

Demir parked his car at the vacation cabins site. He was in a hurry to get rid of Alara whom he had to drive all the way here and lucky enough she was in a hurry to find a proper restroom. Demir was worried about Selin's state of mind since she never wanted to go and he had to force her. He wanted to check on her and prayed to find her in a good mood. He entered the cabins compound and there she was. Selin was on top of a stone stairway soaking the last minutes of the sun before it sets. She had her earphones on and her eyes closed and he came to a complete halt. Demir had a déjà vu in the most realistic way. In a split second he was thrown many years earlier to that one day he escaped his school bus. That day he spent with that delulu Wendy girl! Demir was overwhelmed and Selin turned her head towards him and opened her eyes. She was the most beautiful living statue he'd ever seen and the emotions were now flooding him. He found her. Will she remember him? Will she remember one of her endless adventures? 

Demir lowered his eyes before Selin would detect his urgency to wake her memory with a kiss. Again, they weren't alone anymore... 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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