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Jedidiah rinsed all his clothes before his shower, except his leather jacket. He just wiped off the blood so the leather didn't get ruined. After Jedidiah showered, he looked for some kind of first aid kit in the bathroom. He didn't find anything so he went downstairs and looked around. He heard Callie talking to the witches in the basement.

"We really wish someone had the willpower to stay and clean this place up. Maybe try to appease the evil spirits on the second and third floors somehow," Ora sighed. "The ground floor is really the only safe floor other than down here as long as you haven't crossed us."

Jedidiah heard Callie's voice next. "Oh my god, Jedidiah is on the second floor," she gasped. He heard her running up the stairs and he went to the door. "Oh," she sighed. "Hi."

"Hey, I was looking for first aid," Jedidiah shrugged. "Nothing upstairs."

Callie nodded. "I'll ask the girls."

Callie came back up a minute later with a bag and had Jedidiah sit on the couch while she cleaned and bandaged his abdomen. There were bruises around his neck from the choking that Callie had just noticed. She sighed and pressed her lips together, cleaning up the garbage from the supplies and putting the first aid kit away. She went back to the basement to finish cleaning. It was around five o'clock when she did, Jedidiah was napping on the couch so she figured she would go up to the second floor to get some food. She thought nothing could possibly happen in the five minutes she was up there, but she was wrong.

Jedidiah woke up to a crash upstairs. "Callie?" he called. He figured it was one of the angry spirits trying to get him back up there, so he went to the basement door. "Hey, is Callie down there?" he asked.

"No, she finished cleaning a while ago," Bridget replied, poking her head in his line of vision. "He's cute," she whispered to Freya and Ora.

"He's also disrespectful," Freya snapped back.

They began to argue and Jedidiah walked away. "Callie!" he called upstairs.

There was nothing for a second. He felt like something was wrong but he wasn't sure about going up there. As he went to go back to the couch he heard Callie shriek. "JEDIDIAH!"

He ran up the stairs and checked the pantry, no one was there but a shelf was knocked down. He went into the master suite where he found her, and a man on top of her. The man in the journal. The rapist. Jedidiah felt his blood boil and he quickly used the strength he had regained to grab the man and wrestle him out of the room. They fought in the hallway and Jedidiah pushed the man over the railing, he fell down to the first floor. Jedidiah didn't watch before running into the bedroom to check on Callie.

She was sitting up by the headboard with her knees pulled into her chest, hugging them tightly with her eyes shut. Jedidiah made his way over and sat on the bed next to her, touching her arm lightly. She looked up and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder and hugging him tight. He wrapped his arms gingerly around her back, his shoulder giving him shit because of the glass. He heard Callie begin to cry and he put a hand on the back of her head. "I'm here, you're okay, I'm not leaving," he whispered. "I got you."

Jedidiah picked Callie up and pulled her into his lap, laying back because his abdomen started hurting more. She fell asleep on his chest at some point, but he didn't care. He played with her red curls and scratched her back, letting the time pass as slowly as possible. The sunset shone through the windows and Jedidiah wouldn't let himself fall asleep. He wanted to be up when Veronica came back for them so he could wake Callie up.

But she woke up around eleven, startled and breathing heavy. "Hey," Jedidiah pushed her hair out of her eyes. She took a couple wavering breaths and sat up. "Bad dream?" he asked. She nodded. He stood and went to the bathroom where he left his leather jacket, grabbing it and coming back to put it around her shoulders. She put her arms through it as he sat down next to her.  

Callie rubbed her eyes and stretched. "What time is it?" she sighed.

"Around eleven, almost time to go," Jedidiah replied.

Callie frowned a little. "Oh."

They both sat in a weird silence, both wanting to say something but not sure how. They sat there until the clock struck twelve. "Thirty minutes..." Jedidiah breathed the words like he dreaded them.

"Do we wait outside for Veronica?" Callie asked. "I bet you can't wait to go home..."

Jedidiah pulled his eyebrows together and cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. So things can go back to normal?" Callie shrugged.

Jedidiah sighed. "I don't understand. Do you want them to?"

"Well, don't you want them to?" Callie asked, biting her lip. Jedidiah shook his head. "Well what then? Friends?" Callie questioned.

Jedidiah groaned. "You're going to really make me say it?"

"Say what," Callie giggled.

Jedidiah rubbed his hands over his face and looked Callie in the eyes. "I don't wanna be your friend," he said. He couldn't find the words to say it because he didn't just like Callie. He didn't just have feelings for her. But he couldn't have fallen in love in such a short period of time. He didn't know what the feeling he had was...

Callie shook her head. "I'm confused," she said.

It didn't feel right to Jedidiah. The time didn't feel right to kiss her. She had just gotten assaulted, and the perfect moment in the ballroom was gone at that point. He figured a kiss could tell her so he didn't have to say it, so he didn't have to mess up the words, so he didn't have to embarrass himself. But he couldn't do it under the circumstances.

"Never mind," Jedidiah whispered. "We'll just go back to normal I guess."

Callie looked down. "But I don't hate you," she uttered.

"Well I don't know what to tell you Calliope," Jedidiah stood up and sighed. She definitely didn't feel the same, girls usually put the pieces together by then.

After a while they saw flashlights outside. Jedidiah stormed out of the room and down to the front door. Callie slowly got out of bed, putting her shoes on and grabbing her things. She got downstairs and Jedidiah was standing in a crowd of teenagers, showing them his injury. They saw Callie step out and shined their lights on her. The car scratches had scanned over and looked pretty bad, plus a bruise had formed on her other cheek from falling when the man in the black suit attacked her. She had twisted her ankle as well but she walked it off, going down the steps and handing Jedidiah his jacket.

She knew her feelings had been unrequited. For a second there she thought he would say that he felt the same, but no.

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