Andrea- *sitting on the couch* Jason!
Jason-Yeah?*sits down with me*
You smell
Nope more girly...Jason?
What are you trying to say?
Jason!?! Why the fuck does my couch smell like bimbo perfume?!
So maybe I did something on the couch last night when you were with Eloise
its my couch too...
Eww my eyes my mind eww you were naked on this couch *by now I have jumped off the couch*
I'm sorry! Just cause I'm irresistible!
Irresistible?! Really?! That's all your going to say!? You need to settle down at one point jason! You can't be a slut at sixty!
*walks over to me* I'm sorry Andrea next time I'll do it on OUR table instead
*glaring at jason like really scarily* or you could find another room mate.
No please no Andrea!!!
Well stop sleeping around on my couch!
*then he hugs me so I hug him back and then everything's alright... well I smacked him around the head and then everything's alright❤*
-that was just a little argument that me and jason had over absolutely nothing... He loves me really... Yeah... Last update pof the night because I'm a celebs on bai guys x-
Too glam to give a damn
RandomOkay so Andrea here! this is my book on life! So yeah!