This boy

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I knew this boy. This incredible boy called Ashton. He used to get amazing grades. All the girls loved him. He had a darling little brother and sister. His mother was beautiful. He had already left school by the time I got to senior year. Me and Ashton had talked. He tutored me once or twice a week. We became good friends but then he left school. We hadn't talked since.

I was a couple of years older than Lauren, his younger sister, but still a year or so younger than Ashton. Lauren and I used to catch the bus home everyday.

Every night she would talk about brilliant things Ashton had done for her. She would write them down, carefully and quickly. When the bus pulled up at her stop she would always run home and rush into the house. After a while of this going on, I asked her why she did this and her answer broke my heart.

"Why do you run home everyday?" I smile, trying not to pry.

"I want to make sure that Ashton hasn't commit suicide in the time he was alone."

One night I asked if I could come to their house and talk to Ashton. She nodded and arranged it with her mother.

I went to their house the next day. I walked up to his room, knowing the way, and tapped on the door lightly.

"Mum, go away!" I hear him shout.

"It's not your mum..." I sigh.

"Well who is it then?"


"(Y/N)? I haven't talked to you in years. Why did you show up suddenly? Two minutes. Let me just clean myself a bit."

"Okay" I whisper and stand their on the landing, chewing my lip anxiously. I hear a click and the door was unlocked. A curly haired man stood there. He looked older but still beautiful.

"You've grown up." He smiles slightly.

"As have you."

"Um, come in?" He bites his lip and I nod. I take a quick glance around the room and it's still how I remember it except it's slightly messier. It looked like he had tried to clean in the short amount of time since I had knocked on the door. Well he wasn't really expecting company, was he? I sigh and look at him.


"(Y/N)" He smiles, "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you"

"Okay well um take a seat?" I sit on his floor and he chuckles. "No (Y/N). Take a seat on the bed. I don't want you to sit on the floor. It looks so uncomfortable."

I giggle slightly at him and sit next to him on his bed but not to close. I turn and face him, our knees now brushing together.

"So..? What did you want to tell me?" He smiles and takes my hands in his (in a friendly way of course).

"Ashton... What's wrong?" I sigh and look at his arms, covered by a baggy jumper. Under those sleeves hide so many secrets.

"Nothing's wrong?" He removed his hands from mine and pulls his sleeves down to cover his hands. He pushes his glasses up closer to his eyes and smiles but the smile doesn't reach his eyes.

"There is something. When you smile your eyes don't glow like they're meant to. Ashton I want you to know that I'm here for you." I take his face in my hands and look into his eyes, "Now please tell me the truth."

"I can't. I'm sorry. (Y/N) please leave." He looks away from me.

"Oh." I begin to feel tears in my eyes. I get up from the bed and walk out of the door.

"(Y/N)!" He shouts. I wipe my eyes and turn towards him. He's closer than I expected him to be. He grabs my face and kisses me softly before closing the door and locking it.

I hear him whisper, "Don't com back, please."


Hi People✌️
Should I write more on this or just a quick ending?
Please comment what you think about this chapter.
Love ya❤️

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