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My sisters and I were standing by each other in the clearing up north of the pack house, under the bright full moon. We were all garbed in black, in the same outfit and with the same high ponytail hairdo, with the Shadow pack wolves, waiting for Richard and his rogue army. We watched as he walked out of the woods with his daughter and son by his side and his army behind him. I watched as he stepped forward with his arms outstretched and a large smirk on his face.

"Well, if it isn't my darling nieces. Kara, Korra...and Kiara. It's so wonderful to see you three." He said.

"The feeling's not mutual." Kara snarled.

"Oh come now, that's not very nice. We are family after all." He said.

"You ceased to be family the day you started all this nonsense." Korra replied.

"Nonsense? Oh no, no, no. This is justifiable revenge."

"Justifiable? How is any of what you are doing justified? You've hurt and murdered a lot of innocent people including our parents because of that stupid revenge for events that happened years ago. Events that occurred because of you and your mistakes. You would have been King if not for your mistake. Your mistake to go down the wrong path. You had everything but you passed it all up because you wanted power and you wanted people to fear you. You abused your abilities and used them for wrong purposes and yet you wonder why your father chose my father to be King instead of you and why my mother chose my father over you." I said in a calm, quiet, deadly voice. I was boiling with rage but I pushed it down.

"And who told you this story? Your parents, I presume." He asked. I smirked a little.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know? Tell me if you recognize this name. Auriana." I saw his face pale slightly.

"What? That's impossible, Auriana is dead." He said.

"Oh yeah, that's right. She's supposed to be after you almost killed her. Just like you killed the twins' mother after they were born." Korra taunted. His jaw tensed.

"And why would I kill my own mate?" He asked.

"Which mate? The one you were destined for or the one you chose for her close connection with our mother?" Kara asked.

"Anyway, only you can answer that question."

"Girls, you can still surrender while there's time. Step down as ruler, Kiara and you can be assured I won't harm a single hair on your precious Shadow wolves. Refuse to do so and chaos will reign and my wolves and I will not even have to lift a finger."

"Let's say I refuse, what's going to happen?" I asked with an amused expression.

"I can turn your wolves against you and each other. In case you've forgotten, I'm a telepath and so are my children. We can manipulate any mind as we please." My sisters and I smirked.

"That's a wonderful plan. We would welcome you to try it but we wouldn't want you wasting your energies before the battle even begins." Kara said.

"Oh, Richard. You see, we know all about your abilities and how far they can go so we took precautions. You see after we imprisoned your little spies over there, we began the real training. The mental kind. Plus I had Auriana boost the mental blocking capabilities of every wolf here. But you knew that didn't you? That's why you brought this large army. You knew if you could take the kingdom by us surrendering and resisting mental force then you'd have to use physical force." I said.

"That's right, Your Majesty. I'll give it to you, you have your father's smarts. So what will it be? Should we do this the easy way or the hard way? I suggest the easy way because there's no way you can defeat me with this little army you've gathered here."

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