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Okay so I find it rather annoying how when I ask to include some plots you're interested in, no one leaves any. So if you do not leave any plot suggestions, don't expect a DM from me. It could LITERALLY be anything to catch my eye. Even just bringing up the plot for my own story.

So comment on this chapter if you're interested. leave at least one character bio for a character you want to play (unless it's an established pasta then you can just say their name), or even leave a link to a Google Doc if you want to share more than one. Leave a plot idea. Or more, the more the better. I can't promise everyone that I'll RP with them, because accepting everyone's invite was what lead me to experience burnout and stop RPing for years. If I'm interested, I'll shoot you a message including character bios and we can go from there. but if you'd like a taste of my characters beforehand, check out this wiki article for some of mine;

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