Chapter 1

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Cole stood in his room next to the the window and closed his eyes as he heard Arael's laughter from her room across the hall. Her and Maggie had become quite close after she had woken up. Her eyes had gone back to their bright blue within a week and he couldn't be happier. He had missed her beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, she still didn't remember him after a year and he felt himself slowly giving up. He had tried telling her about them and what they had been through. He had tried taking her out on dates and reminding her of all the things they had done. He had even tried starting over with her. Thinking back to the third date he'd taken her on, he smiled but it was quickly replaced by a frown. It had been going extremely well until he'd kissed her without thinking.

Cole watched Arael as she flew, not a care in the world. She looked so free and happy as her wings moved up and down, carrying her through the air.

"Do you remember learning how to fly? When I taught you how to dive and lose people in trees",he asked. He hoped she was at least able to remember him teaching her the things she knew about flying. She bit down on her lip as she thought back to when she learnt how to fly. Everything was there, her learning how to fly, and she knew someone was teaching her but she couldn't remember who it was or what they looked like.

"I'm sorry, I remember being taught but I don't remember you",she told him. He sighed sadly and dropped back to fly behind her. She noticed his sudden mood change and dropped back next to him.

"I really am trying to remember you, Cole. Don't you think it's frustrating for me as well? I don't remember a man that's in love with me. And I probably loved you too but I can't remember and it's eating away at me. I want to remember you, Cole. You don't understand how badly I want to remember you but it doesn't matter how hard I try. I just can't",she told him, frustrated. He looked up at her and smiled half heartedly.

"Now imagine loving someone that doesn't remember you",he said softly before flying down and landing in a field. They were in the middle of a forest while it was sunset and were meant to be back before dark but Cole knew they weren't going to make it anyway so he didn't worry.

"Did you not just hear me?! I've wanted someone to love me like you do all my life but I can't remember you! It's just as hard for me as it is for you. I want what you're offering - love until the day I die and after that still - but I can't remember you. You're a stranger to me but I want more and my mind won't let me have it! So don't make it seem like you have it worse! It's just as bad for me",she cried after landing behind him. He turned and saw tears running down her cheeks but stopped himself from running forward to comfort her.

"Every single night I have nightmares. I watch you die over and over again in my dreams. And when I wake up, you aren't even next to me to prove that you're alive again. The worst part is that I'm living a nightmare when I'm awake as well! The girl I'm in love with is still alive yes, but what does it matter if she doesn't remember me? Right now I feel like I would even if you were dead! The only reason I'm still sane is because you're alive and I know you're safe. Other than that you're just a different person with the same body and face as the girl I used to know... Nothing has changed from when you were dead. The girl I loved is gone. And all I have left is her body",he shouted back at her, immediately regretting it when he saw the hurt on her face.

"I might not remember you but maybe that's a good thing. Why would I want to love someone like you? You're the worst person I've ever met and I'm glad I can't remember you",she hissed. His heart clenched and he took a step towards her.

"You don't mean that",he said softly, his voice breaking at the end. She walked backwards and shook her head.

"I meant every word I just said",she told him as her back hit a tree. He reached up and ran the tips of his fingers over her cheek bone.

"No",he whispered before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he turned to see Arael standing, looking down at the floor.

"Maggie had to go make dinner and I was wondering... I've got questions about us before... before I died so I wanted to know if you wanted to talk",she said softly.

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