Happy 100th

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100 years had passed since the districts rebelled and district 13 was destroyed. An each year since Panem had held its Hunger Games to keep the districts in their place. Now was the time for the fourth quarter quell and there was much anxiety in the districts. Each unsure of what this years twist to its traditional Games would be made.They were about to find out.

President Snow was displayed on screens throughout Panem, ready to end the suspense. "Good evening and greetings from the capital. For this year's Quarter Quell, there will be a slight alteration to the usual Hunger Games. This years tributes.... may be of any combination of genders instead of one young man and one young woman and you may volunteer volunteer for anyone regardless of gender."

With the conclusion of his speech, the President's words shook the districts and sent fear to all of their citizens. This year there would be twice the chance of being reaped. And twice the chance of almost certain death.

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