Can We Be Friends?

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Luffy was so exhausted by the time the sun came up. He wasn't sure when he was supposed to sleep. Double shifts two nights mean two days and two nights of running or not doing anything in the dark. No chance to sleep during that time. When he made his rounds in the castle, he always felt nervous approaching Zoro's door, but he had a job he had to do. He knocked on the door hesitantly.

Zoro heard the knock on his door his heart started beating faster. He couldn't stop thinking about Luffy being all alone and exhausted all night. He really wanted Luffy be more comfortable around him, even if it was just a little bit.

He opened the door to Luffy bowing like usual. "D-do you have anything to deliver or retrieve?" Zoro heard the stutter, Luffy sounding awkward.

"No, but I'd like you to come inside my room," Zoro said, his voice strong though he was very nervous.

"I have work... I can only stay for a few moments. Is that okay young mast- Zoro?" he asked, still at the door. Zoro said yes. Luffy stood straight and slowly walked into Zoro's room. Luffy had never been in one of the bedrooms here. He was limited to the halls, dining hall, outside a few times and the slave quarters. Well, those were where he was supposed to stay. But he explored during his breaks sometimes. He was terrified of punishment, but boredom was an enemy as well.

Zoro's bedroom was very big. He'd never seen it inside since he bowed the whole time he was in front of the door. There was a large bed with dark blue blankets on it and a dresser and some work out equipment. It was plain, but also very lavish. Luffy stood in the room awkwardly, waiting for Zoro to do something. He walked over to his bed and sat down.

"I'm sorry if I made you nervous last night. I didn't mean to," Zoro said sincerely. Luffy finally looked at him and Zoro saw the exhaustion evident on his face. The dark circles under his eyes and heavy lids.

"There's no need to apologize. It... confused me," Luffy confessed. "We aren't supposed to talk to the masters at all. I'm the only one who has simple conversations with them. And the masters are not supposed to know our names," Luffy explained, looking at the floor. They were also not to make direct eye contact with their masters. Luffy had broken that rule many times, but only with Zoro and his mother. Never with Master. He would be angry.

"I just want to be your friend," for now... "You have noticed I'm an only child and no one is exactly my age."

Luffy's brows furrowed. Things werent making sense. Why did Zoro want to be friends with a slave? "Aren't there other royal families? I don't know since I don't work everywhere."

"No, there's no family living near us who are nice. They all order the slaves around," Zoro replied.

"That's how slaves are treated everywhere I assume," Luffy said hesitantly. He felt presumptuous. "I'm sorry, it's none of my business," the boy said. He bowed and slipped out of the door with an "I have to go".

"Wait!" Zoro said. Luffy stopped leaving, standing right outside of Zoro's door. Zoro was still a master, and Luffy couldn't defy him. Zoro opened his door more. "Will you be my friend?" he asked.

Luffy just nodded once and ran off. He wasn't as fast as usual since he was exhausted. Zoro noticed this, but said nothing and walked into his room sadly. Though he'd finally spoke with Luffy, knew his name and how he wasn't that happy person as a slave, he still had a crush on him. He also knew it would be difficult to be his friend and spend time with him without Luffy being punished. If he was, that would be Zoro's fault and he would feel sick with that. Luffy was obviously terrified of being punished from what Zoro had seen last night.

He hated his dad for doing this to Luffy for all these years.

Luffy almost skipped the Mistress' room where she was, but that would be breaking rules. He knocked on the door and did what he usually did, and like always, he left to get her wine. He almost fell down the stairs on his way to the kitchen. He was thinking about getting coffee again, but he was afraid of getting caught. And he knew Master wouldn't like him asking for something after his mercy when Luffy had gotten sick not long ago.

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