Chapter 13: Cold Blood

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Silence fell across the Academy training field.

All eyes focused on the two students within the sparring circle as the opponents sized each other carefully. Abruptly, without warning, one of them darted forward and crashed into the other's hastily prepared guard.

Naruto's superior vision showed him the contraction of every muscle, every heartbeat of the opponents. Personally, he expected Saburo to win. Shorter and lighter, he moved more quickly.

While his opponent, Maro, was undoubtedly stronger, Naruto could tell that he couldn't keep up with Saburo's speed.

"I still think Maro is going to win," Hogari said, not really talking to anyone in particular.

"I see why you think that, as all Maro needs is one good hit to end the spar. However, I have to agree with Naruto on this one. I think Sabaro is going to win," Arashi replied, causing Hogari to snort.

Arashi Umeya was a third-year Academy Student, and as of a month ago, Hogari and Naruto's classmate. Not long after they had joined the Academy, their Sensei had decided to move them both to classes that would challenge them.

Naruto had known the decision was coming since he'd figured out that the first year was little more than a test. A glorified way to weed out students that didn't have what it took to become a Shinobi. From his training with Kanade and his father, he was, at the very least, a third-year, if not higher.

"Ouch, that had to hurt," Arashi exclaimed ruefully as Saburo landed a solid hit to Maro's chest, causing the boy to stumble back a couple of feet. Maro was near the edge of the sparring circle, but he wasn't out yet. Hogari grunted.

Naruto once again tried to find a way that Maro could win, knowing that Hogari must have a reason for thinking it was possible. Over the last month, Naruto had come to respect Hogari.

They'd shared bits about their home and families, though most of what Naruto told Hogari had been lies.

I guess that does make us friends... that's what I told Temari anyway, Naruto mused. The idea of having a friend was alien to Naruto, and he wasn't sure what being someone's friend meant. However, it didn't seem like Hogari cared.

"It's over," Naruto commented, seeing Maro take an unconscious step backward to avoid a round-house kick from Saburo.

Saburo used the opening to gain ground and launched himself into another kick. Maro only realized he was out of the ring when their Sensei called the end of the match.

"Huh," Hogari said, shrugging, "I thought for sure that Maro would win."

"Maro gets caught up in the fight and doesn't pay attention to his surroundings, and even if he had, Sabaro had him cornered. It was over when he backed up the first time." Arashi replied as Maro and Sabaro bowed to each other, pressing a fist against their flat palm in a gesture of respect.

"However, I'd thought perhaps that Sabaro would succeed in knocking Maro over and pinning him."

Naruto shook his head, causing Arashi to look at him curiously. "Maro is too strong, and Sabaro doesn't weigh enough to do that."

Arashi nodded thoughtfully, looking back toward the sparring circle. "You're right."

"The winner is Sabaro!" The Taijutsu Sensei, whose name was Nissho, called out. "Next up will be Naruto Edano and Hogari Sengwari. Will the opponents please come into the sparring circle for the next spar?"

"Oh, we're gonna get to see you two spar?" Arashi asked excitedly, "this will be fun."

Neither Naruto or Hogari paid attention to the sudden rise of hushed conversation as they walked into the sparring circle. They'd both sparred many times in this ring, and several more times outside of it. Naruto had realized early on that Hogari's Taijutsu was far superior to his own, which often resulted in him losing.

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