The Accident

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Sam yelled, running around the corners of the ware house, trying to catch up to the Djinn.
"Sam, wait!"
Dean yelled, more or so whispered, pulling his brother back by his shoulder.
"Wheres' Cas?"

Sam's face went to pure horror along with Dean's as they heard a familiar voice;
It screamed, the brothers swore they heard whimpering.
"CAS!" Dean yelled back in his deep accent, taking his gun and running to the voice as Sam bolted after his brother.


"Shhh..." The Djinn seemed to say, it held Castiel in place, bringing it's fingers to Cas's face. Impeccably slow, but the Djinn seemed stronger than it looked.
"N-no..." Castiel pushed out the words, he was touched, and started to violently shake.
"Ah.... Nnh..DEEEAAAN!" Castiel screamed, almost crying out as one last hope, until it all went black. Like it was all some crazy dream.

By the time they ran up to Cas, they were both gone. The Djinn and Castiel. Most likely transported to another ware house in the city, this one being another trap.
Sam asked, looking around the room in a panic.
Dean yelled after.

All that was left was a gun, Deans favourited. This was Castiel's fifth hunt, and Dean knew he needed some luck, so he in trusted his best friend, to have it. And now what? He's gone? No.
Dean mumbled out, his head looking up from the ground, as he held the gun. Sam turned from his stance, looking concerned at the back of his brothers head, he walked up slowly to Dean,
"NO!" Dean exclaimed, chucking the gun past Sam's head, letting it smash to the wall.
"He's gone! it's all my fault, Sammy!"
Dean fell to the floor, and clung to himself, mumbling,
"It's-it's all my fault..."

This broke Sam's heart. It wasn't. It wasn't Dean's fault. And Castiel was going to come back. Sammy wouldn't be able to live with himself either if Castiel died. But It wouldn't happen.
Sam walked up to his brother, putting a hand on his shoulder. Speaking softly and sternly,
"He's not gone. Dean, I saved you once..."

"That was me. I saved me- Castiel could be in heaven right now! Well, Djinn heaven, would you want to leave?"

"You didn't want to leave. But you did. I found you, and I'm gonna find Castiel."

Dean began to argue to his brother; "Sammy, No. I have-"

"Dean- I will. I've been in the whole dream scape thing before, and I survived much better. We'll call someone, search up lore and maybe I can see about that dream root- look, I don't have all the answers, but I'll, I will get to Cas. You need to have faith."

"What did faith do for anyone? Didn't help Cas."

"I am so close to punching you in the face."

"Fine... Just, shove off!"
Dean pushed Sam away, and picked up the broken gun walking out, but stopping at the door, trying to hide all emotion and said, "I got a gun to fix up." And then left.

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