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"Ah... Hm...?"
Castiel stirred out of bed, rubbing his blue eyes, the room coming into focus. He was wearing his favirote black boxers... Wait, weren't these EXACTLY like Deans? He was also wearing an open and baggy white dress shirt. He then heard water running from the bathroom across from him. He was in a beautiful house, well to him. It was a cabin, a logged cabin, that you'd have in the winter. Nature around, and lots of space. Just what Castiel would have wanted. 'Oh no...' Castiel thought. Was he in the Djinn's spell? He yelled out the first thing that came to mind;

The water stopped, and a clumsy Dean stormed out of the washroom, wearing nothing but a Dark red towel with messy wet blonde hair, his green eyes widened, "what? Are you okay?"

Castiel stood there with his jaw open, staring at Dean, why was he so oblivious? So much of his torso could have been showing...

Dean had a hearty chuckle and walked back into the washroom swaying his hips, picking up his tooth brush to clean up a bit more, saying, "jeez, Cas, how much could a guy like you drink? I never heard you so eager to get me out of the shower!"
Castiel flushed harder then he ever had before, scratching his head he responded, slurring his words in confusion,
"I... Drink... Shower... What?"

Dean's face went to a happy confused, maybe actually getting a little worried, "Man, take it easy, okay? I don't think Gabriel slipped anything in your drink, you must be really hung over!"

Castiel's head shot up, a smirk and amazement creeping up to his face;
"Gabriel's alive?!"
Dean walked over to the bed, placing down his tooth brush, sitting beside the confused Cas.
"...uh, yeah. Babe, you sure your okay?"

Castiel took a moment to think, he couldn't even fathom that Dean was calling him that. He looked to his right, and saw a picture of himself and Dean, he picked it up and looked, squinted at it. It was a picture of Dean, Castiel, and Sammy. Sam was standing tall beside Dean, in a suit, and so was Dean, holding Cas's hand... They had rings on. and a plate of burgers in the back. Was that... A wedding? Their wedding? There were other pictures too, one of him and Dean kissing, Charlie getting married with a beautiful girl, Sammy acting like a moose... They were all so... Happy. All the people Castiel ever cared about after Dean were happy, and made Dean happy...

Castiel only wanted to live a perfect life with Dean. And now he had it? Dean looked at the picture Cas was holding and smiled more, as Castiel placed it back down and turned to Dean.
"Yes... Oh my... Dean- I'm perfect! I'm fine! Fully good!" Castiel exclaimed, falling into Deans arms, letting his head fall to the hunters chest. Castiel started to giggle, and tears rolled down his face.
"Well... I am to?" Dean questioned as well.

Cas sighed and sat up on Dean's lap, Cas wrapping his legs around to the hunters back, crossing his arms behind his head so they were face to face- and lightly giggled again. Dean smiled the brightest smile he could, baffled and speechless, wiping away the tears from Castiel's face. Cas turned his head to the side, and let his lips lock with Dean, smiling while kissing, softly, then started kissing a bit more needy, in passionate love. Dean started to chuckle in each other's mouths, as he then picked up Cas, holding up his legs around Dean's torso, and pushed them both to the wall, not breaking the connection. Castiel moaned lightly into Deans mouth, letting his hands fall into his hair, as Dean began to grind up on Castiel, they just couldn't stop smiling. Deans lips played down to Castiel's neck, climax rising. Castiel started to try and move and rip off the tightly wrapped around towel to Dean's hips and then lifted Dean's head up remembering; this couldn't be real. Where was Sam? Not that Sam would be in this situation, but what would he think?
"Wait, what about Sam?" Cas suddenly asked, and Dean's face went to confussed as he then laughed.
"Come on, Cas, Sam is fine on his job. I wanted to have our own time for a while..."
Dean let his head fall out of Castiel's grasp, and started to kiss along his neck again, grinding more into Castiel, intensity. Castiel groaned, and the overwhelming of finally getting the sexual touching between him and Dean, it wasn't even rough, it was quite loving, but needy. Hot. Castiel then pushed- forced Dean to fall backwards on the bed as he started to top now, kissing as much on Dean's lips as he could. Making out, his tounge finding every part of his mouth; Dean pushed Castiel to the bottom, responding accordingly and then pulled up the blankets, and fell to Cas's side, caressing his cheek, warmth filling them both up.
"Dean... Wait... Isn't this a little soon?" Castiel whispered, his blue eyes sparkling at the hunters dopey smiles... God he was perfect, wet and warm, just admitting to loving Castiel. But this wasn't real. 'I need to leave. I'll die here...' Cas thought.
Dean laughed and replied, "it's not like we haven't done it before..."
This made Cas squirm and blush more. Dean sighed and cuddled to Cas's side, making circles around his bicep. "Dean..."
"I... I'm sorry... I can't stay..."
Deans face went to very concerned as he leaned up on Cas,
"What? Castiel, are you okay? Did something happen?"
Castiel shook his head and stared at Dean asking,
"Do you remember the Djinn?"
Dean thought for a moment,
"Yeah... So?"
Cas stared with a 'soooo....' Type face, like the awnser was obvious to the Djinn Dean. Dean responded with the same face, then rolled his eyes after noticing. Was Castiel questioning this?
"Oh come on! It's been three months since we got married, this isn't a dream. You know I care about you more than all those other girls!"


"Look, I gotta go to the auto shop and assist Bobby today,"
Dean kissed his 'husband's' cheek and began to get dressed, going to another room.
"Bobby? He's here too?"

Dean had his fav band shirt on, and already had his boxers briefs pulled up before Castiel could see much.
Dean then turned to Cas, and laughed,
"Of course? Whelp, See ya tonight, okay?"

When Dean left, Castiel watched in a neutral, but sad look, and then was about to try and call Sam, or anyone to help him, until Dean walked back in doing up his trousers,
"Oh, your trench coat is hung up in the closet, be careful if you still feel hung over."

"My trench coat?"

"It's all you wear, sweet heart. I'm gonna be late, thanks for the loving, Winchester officially out!" And with that, Dean swirled out the door to the impala.
'This was too perfect' Castiel thought again. But would he be willing to die just to have the one human he ever really cared for? He couldn't leave this. It's all too real. Dean and Sam... There're here, aren't they? His dreams are real, he's the same as Dean, his brother is alive, less demons to hunt, more saved. Bobby is here, but... Where's Sam?
Then it happened;


The door to Cas's room was kicked down, with no one other than Sam Winchester standing there.

"Hey, Cas."

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