When I First Saw Him

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Ashley’s POV

I hate not knowing. Not knowing how I am feeling, but there is one thing I do know, I have nobody. My mom died last year, that hit me hard. After that everything went downhill rather quick. My dad started to drink again and a result of this, my relationship with him quickly deteriorated. I soon lost all my friends and my life turned to hell.

I sat alone in the music hall playing my bass. I was currently learning to play “Ten Seconds to Love” by Motlëy Crüe. It was break, so I had 20 minutes practice before I have to head off to AP English, I don’t even know how I got into any AP classes. I struggled with the 2nd verse of the song when the warning buzzer signalling that 3rd period was going to start. I packed my bass up and walked towards my locker, which was coincidence really. As per usual I was met by the jocks of the school.

“Hey there freak!” Adam yelled as he walked down the hall, heading right towards me.

I packed up as quickly as I could to try and avoid him and as I turned around I was met by one of Adam’s friends, Mike.

“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” He started to walk towards me.

I turned around straight into Adam pushing me.

I have a short temper and immediately pushed him back which resulted in a fight, again.

“Ashley, what a surprise that you’re here in my office again.” Principal John said sarcastically.

After the same old talk about fighting I was sent back to English.

‘Lucky me, on time for English.’ I really hated English.

I walked into the class and sat in my regular seat in the top right hand corner of the room. I got out my notebook, my pencil case and my doodle book.

Mrs Leigh shuffled in “Alright class, get your stuff out. Today we are learning about morality issues.”

Mrs Leigh is a woman in her fifties, with curly ginger hair and was someone who was ‘never’ wrong.

I was drawing a picture of batman when a tall, slender boy, maybe a couple of years younger than me, walked in. He had long black hair, facial piercings and he was wearing a Kiss t-shirt. He drew me in from the first second I saw him, there was something about him.

“Umm…is this Mrs Leigh’s AP English class?” He nervously asked while he played with his hands.

“Yes this is, sorry, but who are you?”

“Andy. Andy Biersack.”

“Ah, I see, you are late. There’s a seat at the back next to freak, I mean Ashley.”

He took long strides and sat down in the seat next to me and smiled.

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