Waking up to an aft-hole!!

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     "Elita, do you think this war will ever end?" The brilliant silver 2nd in command of the femme autobots said.
     "I hope so, for the sakes of are sparklings and bots. At least our sweetsparks are safe from.... well you know who." The one pink femme known as Elita-one sighed while looking at her little white blue mech playing with her best friend and partner's black and silver femmeling.
     All of a sudden there was explosion at the front of the little apartment they were in. Chromia said frustrated, "Of course, Elita learn to keep your dentas clenched. You jinxed us!" Elita gathered the younglings and have them to Chromia.
     " Take them and hide, I'll distract them!" "But, Elita if he finds out your here he'll kill you and make Optimus watch." "Better me than my sparkling. Now Go!"
     " No, you ain't getting rid of me that easily," she turned to the little mechling who was considerably older than the femme, " Now, Bluepride take Ironstar and hide, okay?" The little mech understood perfectly, so he nodded his helm and headed to the air vent with a black and silver bundle.
     Once he got her in there he, himself climbed in and closed it. He sat there watching while a big scary mech came into the room and started to yell at theit carriers and slapped chromia for disobeying.
     Somehow Star must of felt it through the bond and started whimpering, so he held her closer to his spark comforting her. And guess what the fragger heard it.
     " Oh, you thought you could hide them from me? Ha ha ha ha, well let's see where they are, shall we?" Then he started walking around, while their carriers fought back against their holds, even drawing energon and stopped right in front of the vent they were in.
    All of a sudden he rips the vent covering off, finding the mech holding the quivering femme to his chasis, glaring at the attacking mech."Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Saying while having a smirk on his face.
     " Don't touch them they aren't even in this war!" Yelled Elita.
     " Oh, they'll soon be enough especially the mech. His sire is a prime after all. But the femme she will be my sparkmate, my queen, since the only one had too choose an autobot over me." He said while holding the femme, and giving the mech who was fighting with all his might for the femmling.
      "Take those three away, then contact the Autobots would be glad that we 'found' their missing femme autobot leaders and the prime's sparkling." He said menacingly.
     "Noooo, Ironstar." Yelled a small baritone voice.


Star's POV
     With that I woke up from the nightmare. Everyonce in a while I have that dream but I always stop at that stupid part. I have found what happened to those creatures I felt connected to.
     I turned to my alarm clock I noticed that I awoke up three minutes earlier than what I'm used to. Oh, well more time to get ready and then I realized today is the day of the deal.
     I also realized it's also the day Sam has to get his third A for us too very our cares.
     Unfortunately his third A has to be on that genealogy report on our great grandfather Archibald

     OH, I'M SCREWED!!!

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