Practicing Skills

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The blood Ace had donated no longer smelled anything like Ace, to Luffy's happiness. He didn't know why his juice had smelled like Ace that time, but now it just smelled and tasted like his juice was candied. He liked it, making Jojo's night. She was worried all of the work would have been for nothing and would have just wasted Ace's donation.

It got her thinking about something else. Blood desserts. Surely Luffy would like that. That would be her new project. She was looking for something new to try out, and here was a whole blank slate to work on. But, she would do it with the extras they had once the crew restocked. She wouldn't needlessly waste whole bags, just maybe a tablespoon here and there.

Ace's blood was just enough to reach the next island, which had them concerned. They'd sailed all of the East Blue, slowly and leisurely, as they had no real place to go. Just to not be in one place too long, or expose Luffy to anyone untrustworthy. But here they were, once again at Logue Town. Easily the most dangerous place in the East Blue for Lu.

He knew bounty hunters were here a lot, as well as marines who were too weak for the Grand Line. Would they go back in a circle? Or would they try going someplace new? Surely the Grand Line was still too dangerous for Luffy's safety. Plus, their crew was quite small, and they only had a few true fighters. This would need a meeting between everyone. Including the youngest resident.

When they were nearing Logue Town, at night, the ship stopped and lowered the anchor for the day, getting everyone out on deck. Luffy sat in Ace's lap, playing with Ace's much bigger fingers and the ring he wore, twisting it around Ace's finger absentmindedly.

"What is everyone talking 'bout?" Luffy wondered. But he was happy, everyone was out for him to see. Usually, many of the crew, if not all, were asleep when he woke up. But here, everyone was!

"Where we're going to go next, Lu," Sabo answered. "We've sailed around the East Blue twice for the last two years. Do we want to go someplace else? Not the Grand Line, but any of the other Blues?"

"Will they be safe for Luffy?" Aggie 68 asked seriously while he polished his sword. Luffy looked up in surprise at his name being mentioned.

"Not safe for me?" he wondered, looking up at his big brother's face. "Why?" Ace looked down with a reassuring smile, not that Luffy seemed worried. He didn't think of things like danger. He was always protected by his big brothers, and as long as he could remember, this ship was his safe home and sanctuary.

"The Grand Line can be a scary place, a place not for children," Ace explained patiently. Luffy cocked his head to the side, his red eyes openly confused. "Little children could get into trouble in a place like the Grand Line. That's why we'd go to one of the other Blues. More adventures somewhere else, right?"

Luffy beamed. "Adventures?" he asked. He always wanted to go on an adventure like in the stories read to him. "But, safe adventures?" Ace nodded.

"Exactly. We want safe adventures," the teen replied.

Jojo spoke next. She had come from the North Blue, proof that they could move through the Blues. "I would suggest not going to North Blue. Not with the political climate from a few years back. We don't want to put ourselves and Luffy in needless danger," the chef said. Sabo nodded in agreement, knowing what she was meaning.

Though it was unlikely that they would be inconvenienced, it was still a danger they didn't need or want. "What about the West blue? Or South Blue?" Aggie 68 asked, chewing on a piece of beef jerky.

"Those would be the only two options," Sabo said, looking at his notes. "The West Blue would be my pick. South Blue is known to have giant animals. Best to avoid any and all danger." Luffy's bright eyes lit up.

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