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??? POV

My shoes make a gentle clicking noise as I walk on the tile of the kitchen floor. My eyes stare straight ahead, glaring at the ignorant man on the couch. His red-brown hair gently frames his forehead. His eyes are trained intensely at the phone in his hand. I march into the livingroom threateningly. "Yah, Byun Baekhyun. Get your feet off the table. Do you think you're some kind of hotshot or something?" I scold him and shove his feet off the small coffee table. He grumbles in return and types away on his cellphone.

"You're already my boss, do you need to be my mom too?" he complains but I ignore his whining. I make my way to the guest room. Hoping to be a good host, I have requested surveillance on our guest...

Once I approach the door of the guest room, I notice one of the other members standing outside of it. He looks down thoughtfully at his phone and appears to be watching a video "Chanyeol, what's up?" I ask, he glances at me quickly.

"I've been monitoring the security cameras and I've noticed something, check this out," he shows me his phone screen. The screen shows the guest room, Y/n is on the screen. She flops back lazily on the large bed and lays there unenthusiastically. She looks bored.

"Yes, and?" I give him a strange look.

With wide eyes, he says, "Look at her! She's acting like an angsty teenager."

"Oh shut up, you're the childish one." I berate him. "Now, stop blocking the door!" He walks away while glaring at me. I dismiss his actions and adjust my tie, preparing to enter the guest room. I twist the doorknob carefully and enter the door smoothly.

My entrance causes no disturbance, Y/n remains unbothered by my unexpected presence. "Good afternoon." I greet with no reaction in return. " Hello?"

"Hmm?" she hums.

"What's up?" I ask and shut the door behind me.

"The ceiling," Y/n mutters. I sigh and walk over to her, my hands tucked in my pockets. I sit next to her on the bed, she doesn't look at me.

"I see what's wrong," I state. Y/n watches me with a straight face.


"You're depressed."

"Oh wow, thanks for telling me, genius. I couldn't tell before but everything seems so clear now!" She mocks me sarcastically. In one abrupt movement, she sits up and turns to me. I brush my hair back with my fingers, she is something.

"I have a gift for you," I inform her, disregarding her last comment. She lets out a huff of air and moves closer to me. Her eyes sparkle with interest.

"What is it? Freedom?" Y/n asks excitedly.

"No, how many times have I told you that?" I roll my eyes and try not to notice the pout on Y/n's face. "Do you want me to tell you now?"

"Yeah, hurry up."

"I'm allowing you to walk around the house now," I tell her.

"Oh, cool," she shrugs.

"By the way, although you've been here for a few days now, you should still remember your place. You still haven't met everyone in this house and they won't all be as welcoming as I am."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Just wondering... how many people live here?" she asks me.

I ponder for a moment and respond, "13 including you and me."

Y/n processes my words for a moment and sighs, "Great."

"Anyway, that starts tomorrow. I have work to do so I'm going. Bye Y/n," I stand off the bed and walk to the door. I grip the knob in my hand.

"Bye Suho," she calls to me. I turn the handle and exit the room. I close the door behind me carefully and plan my next move. With a plan in mind, I walk to Kyungsoo's room and knock on the door. He's not very social with the other members so he likes to be alone in his room.

A relaxed Kyungsoo greets me at the door. After seeing me, he tenses up and bows quickly. "Hello boss," he says and retracts from the bow.

"Kyungsoo, we're at home, relax. Also, we're good friends, you don't need to do that," I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it comfortingly.

"I'm sorry," he formally apologizes. I roll my eyes and walk past him into his room.

"I know I'm you're boss, but we're like brothers. Please relax around me when we aren't working," I inform him and he nods.

"Why are you here?" he asks awkwardly.

"Well, I've decided to let Y/n leave the guest room. I need you to help me get somethings arranged before we can. Can you do that for me?" I ask.

"Yes, anything you need." He glances around the room and then looks back at me. "Can I ask what you need?"

"We need to arrange a meeting tonight and tomorrow with the entire household. All phones and technology need restrictions. We also need more security cameras installed indoors. I'll make any more decisions after we do that," I inform him, Kyungsoo takes a mental note of my tasks.

"Is the meeting tonight going to involve Y/n?"

"No, we need to tell the others our plans first."

"Understood," Kyungsoo immediately exits the room to round up the others. I sigh and loosen my tie, he needs to relax. In a swift movement, I exit the room and head downstairs to the living room. Baekhyun and Kris are already waiting for the meeting to start.

In the distance, I heard a whine, "Yah! Give me my phone! I'll go to the meeting, ok?" Baekhyun tucks away his phone and looks over to me.

"What's this about?" he asks.

"You'll see, just go get the others, ok?"

"Fine." He turns toward the stairs and runs up them hastily. "Sehun!"

"I guess I'll get Lay," Kris says and leaves. I find my chair in the living room and sit, waiting for everyone to arrive. Five minutes later, all twelve members are in one room, aka the formula for madness. Most members are talking amongst themselves, but Kyungsoo and I observe in silence.

"Quiet please, I have somethings we need to discuss as a group," all attention is diverted towards me, "it involves Y/n." I notice the different reactions throughout the group. I mainly focus on Kris's bothered expression. I look over to Kyungsoo and urge him to explain some.

With a small gesture of understanding, he starts, "Starting tomorrow, Y/n will be allowed to leave the guest room. Security cameras will need to be installed and extra measures will need to be taken to prevent anything." I couldn't have said it better myself.

"Like what?" Sehun -the curious maknae- asks.

"Phones will have restrictions and must stay on you or in your room at all times," Kyungsoo states with a straight face.

"Are we clear?" I ask them all. Most of the members look annoyed and glare at me.

"Yes," they all respond.

"Good," I nod briskly, "there will be a meeting tomorrow morning with Y/n present. Be ready at 11 am. Meeting dismissed." The others stand and disperse from the livingroom. Chanyeol stays and approaches me.

"You wanted cameras installed?" he asks.

"Yes, come with me and I'll show you where to put them." I stand up and remember something. "Ah, Kyungsoo. Please feed Y/n something small, ok?"

"Understood," he stands and bows then rushes off to the kitchen. I then lead Chanyeol to the locations of the cameras. He installs them carefully and I decide to rest for the night in my room. I can't believe I'm doing something this unpredictable.

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