❅ 18 ❅

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"lucifer!" edward's voice chimmed as a dark figure walked up to him. everyone was still gathered by the campfire, telling stories of past wars and battles. carlisle and edward stood off to the side, just out of sight.

lucifer grinned as he hugged the vampire, shaking hands with carlisle.

"it's nice to see you as well edward." lucifer smiled.

"let's discuss the plan yes?" lucifer hummed as he followed edward.

"so you will not be walking out with us?" bella asked softly. lucifer nodded.

"yes, luckily i am fast, i need to gather my materials before coming back. trust me young bella, we will win once i'm back. with the help of alice and jasper, everything will be just alright." lucifer explained, his light red eyes glancing around.

"pinky promise?" a small voice squeaked. lucifer turned towards it, seeing the little girl himself.

he smiled, remembering a similar scenario. one he did over and over with and older sibling.

"pinky promise samiel?"

"pinky promise."

lucifer lifted his hand, his pinky stretched out as he grinned childishly.

"pinky promise." he chummed softly, linking his large pinky with renesmee's rather small pinky, the two grinned at each other before pulling away.

"now then, i must get going, please do not wait on me." lucifer nodded towards edward, before straightening his suit. he turned towards renesmee.

"i'll see you later young one, stay safe." lucifer mumbled out before he disappeared in a swarm of black butterfly's.

"i wanna do that." renesmee gasped childishly.

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