She's After Me... Not You..

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After I saw her her I couldn't stay there. I instantly grabbed Alejandro's running away. We could hear footsteps and her little group of friends shouting at us to come back. But we didn't even look back we just kept on running.
Elizabeth: Come back here Y/l/n!
Y/n: Keep running Alex!! Don't stop!!
Ale: Where are we going??
Y/n: Idk but definitely not home they'll follow us home. Just keep running.
We kept on running. Running into alley after alley. Turning corner after corner. We didn't stop running. Neither did they..
We were now in the woods.
Ale: What the hell are we doing here?!
Y/n: Shh. Be quiet!!
I put my hand over his mouth so he could stay quiet. We stayed there for five minutes not hearing a thing.
Y/n: I think they're gone.
Ale: Good. Let's go home now.
*At Home*
Y/n: Why the fuck is she back in town?!!
Ale: Idk.. Dani told me about her today..
Y/n: What'd she say??
He stood quiet not saying anything.
Y/n: Alejandro what did she say??
Ale: It's nothing important..
Y/n: Alex tell me right now.
Ale: No.
Y/n: If you don't tell me right now I will annoy you all night if you don't tell me what she said!!
Ale: Fine okay fine. *sigh* She said that I need to watch my back and that I need to protect you from Elizabeth..
Y/n: What's that supposed to mean??
Ale: Idk..
Y/n: Why does she care??
Ale: She doesn't she's on Liz's side. She's just like her Y/n.. She's now dating Mattia. She's trying to get in his head. Like how Elizabeth got into mine. Remember how she basically compelled me to ignore you??
Y/n: Yeah.. So she's gonna do that to Tia??
Ale: Possibly.. Maybe even worse.
Y/n: Goddammit!! I should've done what I was told...
Ale: Wdym??
Y/n: Remember how I went missing??
Ale: Yes.
Y/n: Elizabeth told me something to do.. But I didn't do it. She said if I don't do it She's going to come after me..
Ale: What did she tell you to do?
Y/n: Bad stuff.. Like super bad stuff..
Ale: Like drugs?? Murder someone??
Y/n: Murder someone..
Ale: Who?!
Y/n: You...
Ale: What?!
Y/n: I didn't do that obviously. She said if she can't have you. Then no one else would. So she said she was gonna murder you but then I said that I would do that but I would not ever do that to you because you're my best friend. I only said that to get her out of town. And then boom you guys found me but the police didn't catch her. She said if she found out I didn't do that She'll come back after me..
Ale: Omg Y/n.. What are we gonna do?!
Y/n: Idk Ale.. But just know She's after me... NOT you..

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