We're Here For You (Hazbin Hotel X Autistic! Male! Child! Reader)

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(Requested by GabrielOwen6)
This one's gonna be kinda sad but have a happy ending.
If you aren't male, you can change the pronouns.
(Also I'm sorry if this isn't accurate, please tell me if it isn't-)
Warnings!: probably inaccurate, swearing, gay angel dust

Your P.O.V.

So, you're probably wondering who I am. Or how I ended up here...

In Hell..

Well, I'll tell you.

My name is Y/N L/N. I am a male 10 year old who...did a couple of bad things while I was alive...

Anyways, I'm wandering the streets when it started raining. Why does it rain here again? Oh yeah. Because nobody gives a crap.

I was cold and shivering. But I was also angry and fuming. Why? Cold and shivering because of the rain. I was angry because I had nowhere to go. My mom was a human when I was born and she died and went to heaven. I was told that my father did something so bad, that he died a second time and that's why I don't see him.

So, tldr: I'm an orphan.

"I'm so sick of this..." I said to myself, kicking a trash can, "I just want to be normal!"

That's when I felt eyes on me.

But not the evil kind...

I turned around to see a spider demon who was, let's just say, very flamboyant.

"Well, lookee what we got here, Al. What's your name, little guy?" He asked and that's when I noticed the radio demon right next to him. I had always heard stories about him and how he was very evil, so I was kinda scared to say anything. "You're scared of Al, aren't ya? Well, don't worry. He won't bite." The spider demon said with a wink and a toothy grin.

"Y/N. Nice to meet ya, sir." I said, with shyness in my voice, avoiding looking at his eyes.

"Cute name, buster. Angel Dust. You can just call me Angel though." He smiled at me, but then saw what I was wearing, "Umm...are ya cold or anything...?"

I didn't say anything and he smiled, "Come with us."

I was very hesitant to go with them. "Don't worry, buddy. We won't hurt ya." He said with kindness in his voice. I looked at his and took it as I followed them.

About ten minutes later, we arrived at the Happy Hotel. I had always heard about it, but since I didn't have any money, I was scared they wouldn't let me stay.

I looked at them with a scared and shy expression. "Oh, don't worry. My friends works here. Charlie! Vaggie!" Hey yelled.

Suddenly two women appeared. One who was a kinda purplish tint and had long hair with a red bow and X over her eye. The other woman had long, flowy blonde hair and rosy red cheeks and I immediately recognized her.

The princess of Hell.

They all stared at me with smiles on their faces. Charlie ran up to me and yelled as she shook my hand, "Welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to absolutely love it here!" Vaggie chimed in and said with a grin, "Any friend of Angel's is a friend of ours."

They were all laughing and having a good time, when Alastor looked at me staring down at the floor.

"What's the matter, bucko?" He asked in his usual radio-like voice and toothy smile.

"I don't have any money to stay here, mr. Radio Demon..." I said, sadly.

"Huh? Oh, well don't worry, kiddo! It's free!" He said, joyfully.

"Really?" He nodded.

"Aww! He's so adorable!" Molly said as she squeezed my face, "I could just eat you up!"

Okay, now I'm scared.

"Don't worry about her, Y/N. She's staying here for a bit and can be like that." Angel turned to me.

This was the one night where I actually felt....happy.

The one night where I felt normal.

The one night where I knew where I belonged.

Where I was loved.

Where I was cared for.

After almost 9 years of being out on my own, I finally found my family.

My real family.

Okayyy so this sucked. I just don't know what it's like to feel like this. Also you're welcome for the slight angst/fluff. Remember, if you want to request for me to write a story, please request something because I love writing these for you guys! I forgot to make a chapter about this, but this book is almost at 2.4k reads! I'm so happy so many of you enjoy this book and I'm sorry for not really posting. With everything that's going on, and my school being cancelled, it's a lot. I may write preferences here and there, but probably not many. Also, can anyone agree with me that Bucky Barnes from the MCU, or just Sebastian Stan in general, is daddy material like..???
Anyways, I'll see you guys next time!


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