Chapter1-meeting his idol

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Wolfy:ok ok ik what ur thinking "oh she is just copying" ok I'm not Srry for those who don't think that this is inspired I do not own yugioh or its characters I only own my oc's and the plot

Yugi's POV
"I am in love with this band?!" I say standing near my desk "Ha yea right yug' I love them WAY more than you" Joey says,"anyways who do u think is hotter??" Tea asked " obviously yami of course" Joey and I say at the same time  "hahahahaha hahahahaha no" Honda says "really -_-" ryou said sarcastically I honestly love yami he is my god my idol I'm one of his biggest fans but I keep getting this gut feeling like it's more than a fan...... Like I've fallen for him as a person not as some famous celebrity But nvm that I got to keep debating who is better.
Time skip at home
I went to my room and closed the door as I heard grandpa yell "get some work done before u go online I'm serious yugi!" "I will!" I yell back, after I did some homework I go to my computer and log on.
Thekingofgames265 has logged on
That's when I saw a new person has logged on
Theshadowking776 has logged on
That's when I decided to talk to him
Thekingofgames265:hello theshadowking776 u r new here?
With yami POV
This thekingofgames265 seemes interesting to me I hope he is not a 67 year old axe murder I chuckle as I hear bakura yell " Pharaoh we only have 2WEEKES we need to get practiceing!?" "Alright alright damn I'm coming give me a min" I yell back anyways......
Theshadowking776:hey I'm might have to. Leave. In a min but untilled then tell me about ur self
Thekingofgames265:ok so I'm 17 years old....... Ummmmm I love the band kings of ra ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm how old r u????
Theshadowking776:rlly who doesn't love that band, I'm 17 also and what's ur favorite song??????
Thekingofgames265:rlly that's cool and my favorite song is "dark before dusk"
It's not like romantic it's just...........
Theshadowking776:that's a very old song
Thekingofgames265:I like old stuff and it's complex
Theshadowking776:ohhhhhh I get it now
Thekingofgames265:haha oh ok wanna be friends??????
I hesitated stareing at the screen for a min thinking to myself 'do I trust him??........... Maybe I will it might be fun... IDFK' "PHARAOH!?!?!!!?!?! WE HAVE A CONCERT TO PRACTICE FOR GET UR ASS OUT HERE" bakura yelled angerly "OK IM COMIN" I yell but before I went I typed one number and I knew he saw it
Theshadowking776:here call from this number 845465908 and yea sure I gonna go my friend it yellin at me to get a move on
(Wolfy:DONT do it it's fake)
Thekingofgames265:oh ok then go thx I'll call u a hour from now and ik that pain 😂
Theshadowking776:ok that's fine talk to u later
Wolfy: DAMNNNNNNNNN this is gonna be so longggg
Yugi: well idk I hope he isn't a axe murder
Wolfy: he is not I don't own yugioh I just own the plot and my OC's byeeeeee

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