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"Is she awake?"
"Well does she LOOK awake?"
"No. But-"
"Then Pipe down."
There was a brief silence.
Where was I?
For some reason I felt an instinct to keep my eyes closed. So I did. I only recognised one voice, the same voice that clutched on every neutron in my body. And not it the good way. It was definitely the voice of the man I've encountered before.
However, it was impossible for me to place the second one. It was filled with high spirits- liveliness, making me rather warm inside.
"Wow, Chris! How come Ace never mentioned how pretty this girl was? She's gorgeous, don't you think?"
There was that cheerful, favourable voice again. And it seemed like the name of the guy who had kidnapped me was Chris?
I held my eyes rigidly shut. I wasn't going to let these two knuckle-heads get of so easily. So I listened in.
"And THIS right there, is EXACTLY why Ace kept his mouth shut. Stupid people like you would do as much of a mission as a blind man when it comes to a GIRL."
More silence.
There was the voice again. Chris's voice. However, it sounded less venomous. The sharp tone of his voice still seized my ears though.
"So you're admitting it."
"Admitting what?"
"That she's gorgeous"
"I didn't say anything." The tone of his voice sounded like a dismissal.
"Yes you did! You clearly stated tha-"
"Check her pulse again." Chris interrupted.
"Again? But shouldn't YOU be doing that anyway? Considering that you're her GUARDIAN."
"Are you talking back at me?"
There was another brief silence, until I heard sniffles of laughter from both boys.
"Mate, you'll need a few shots before she wakes up so you could calm the shit down." The chirpy guy mocked. "Oh wait I forgot. You have permanent vexation issues. Aw poor girl, you're gonna scare the crap out of her. Probably how she collapsed in the first place."
It sounded like the guy had laughed hysterically at his own joke.
"Ow! What was that for? So-rrry! I was just telling the truth."
And then it sounded like 'Chris' had just punched him.
"Are you going to check her pulse or not?" The irritated voice spoke tightly. "Well of course! Any chance to hold that pretty hand again."
I heard a groan.
And just then, I felt a breath briefly hit my cheek.
"She's breathing okay. I just don't understand why she hasn't woken up yet. What EXACTLY did you do to her? And why are you avoiding telling Ace about this?" The guy accused.
"Since when did I say I was avoiding Ace?" I could detect the defensiveness in Chris's tone.
"And since when I had any form of medical qualification?"
The guy had a point.
"It's pretty obvious that you're hiding, Chris." He persisted. "Well don't blame ya, how could you ever come out explaining to Ace, of all people, how you made you're client collapse on the first day." It sounded as if he's bursted into another laughing fit. Again.
"Wren. What am I supposed to do?"
So his name was Wren? Mm.
"Nothing" Wren said simply. "You are his favourite."
I was almost unaware of the hint of insecurity in his voice; it was soon cut off when he cried-
"Oh my gosh! What if she is really dead? "
A sudden mixture of alarm and nervousness rung in his voice.
"But you just said she's okay!" Chris snarled.
"Well. I'm not informed on how a lady dies."
"Like a human. You primarily just suggested that she's breathing but she's dead. Does that make any SENSE to you?"
"Grandma, calm down"
"Who are you calling-"
"Okay sorry! Maybe-" There was a long, dramatic pause. "Wait, are you WORRIED?"
The bewilderment in Wrens voice was almost too absurd to be mistaken.
However, this was contradicted to Chris's reply.
"Tell me what to do before I reform your face." Chris lashed out.
"I'm not messing bro. It's okay to FEEL." Wren dwelled on sarcastically. "Anyway, I think it's time to just take her to Ace. But it won't be pretty though, especially for her." He stated.
"Why?' I heard Chris ask bluntly.
"Because" Wren started "He'll have to perform mouth to mouth on her as his men are not educated in that area." He then roared in laughter and disgust. "Can't you imagine? His crusty, old lips exploring hers!"

Just then, I decided it was time to wake up. My eyes flickered open.
My heart did a miniature backflip. This was not happening. Two breath-taking beauties kneeled down next to me,
staring at me. Studying me. I was suddenly shy.
Wren was the first to speak.
"Hey lovely, you just saved yourself from some horrendous lip-locking. " he began to laugh at himself, noticing my fake confusion he added "I'll tell you later don't worry, at least you're alive and well pretty lady!" He examined cheerfully raising his arms high.
I smiled awkwardly, not sure how to take on this situation. I was completely helpless. I've still haven't recovered from my internal shock I experienced during the encounter in the woods. My body laid limp. I let my eyes search the man who'd just complimented me and struggled to keep calm. Wren's floppy sandy-blond hair fell down in lose curls emphasising his cute, astonishing face. He smiled at me, one faint dimple displayed on his right cheek.
"Checking me out huh?" He smirked "Don't worry, there'll be plenty chances of you seeing me naked."
I froze; starting to shake my head uncontrollably.
"Yeah you're right" Wren agreed "HALF-naked. We can't let it get to steamy, we almost lost you the first time anyway" he gave me that sexy lopsided smile which sickly made me rather melt inside. I cursed myself for being so lame.
And just then, I brought myself to do something I've been dreading this whole time. I turned my gaze to Chris.
He wasn't even looking at me.
My heart sank. Just a little. As if I've been rejected. I pushed that naive thought away and brought my focus back to Wren.
"Where am I? And what you guys have to do with me?" I inquired, too tired to scream.
"Don't worry lady, we are not the ones who are trying to to hurt you. You're here in order to be safe, I could guess how scared and worried you should be feeling right now, but you've got to trust us. Chris here is in charge of you. Hs duty is to guard you and protect you from any harm."
"Harm? What harm?" I blurted, but my question was completely ignored.
"We should take her to Ace now"
Wren looked sidewards at Chris, who still hasn't even bothered to glance at our direction.
With his back to us he replied- "Okay."

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