(6) Fearful eyes

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Pic of Doug

"So today class we are doing something different... You will a partner project. No you won't choose who work with... I do." Professor Keating said with a evil smile on his face.

Groans were heard throughout the whole class. One thing Professor Keating doesn't like is complaints. Since people wants to complain, I knew we would get extra work.

"Oh was that complaints I heard? You and your partner will have to do a thirty page report each, but your reports have to complement each other. So it will be basically like a book. Oh and I want some type of creative presentation as well. It due on December 7." He said bored.

"This is some bull-" some random girl mumbled quietly in class but not so quietly because Professor Keating heard her.

"What was that Alisha?" he asked.

"It's Miranda!" She said ratherly loudly and rudely.

"Well, Miranda I don't give a damn what your name is or if you actually do the project, but just know that if you don't do the project I will see you again next semester." When he said that it shut up Miranda.

"Anyone else wants to be a smartass?" he asked and was met with complete silence. "Well let me introduce you to your partner." he said.

After he started to call out names I started to blank out. Every since that day Damon stood up for me things have worse between us. If if wasn't abu my lie then we weren't talking. Now that isn't necessarily a problem but Damon comes back drunk, and I know exactly how Damon gets when he gets drunk... he gets violent. His temper is very short when he is drunk, I've literately seen him beat some body up for looking at him wrong. So I've been avoiding him at all cost.

"Miss Scott you are with Doug Peterson." I turned my head to where Doug was sitting. He's been in this class the whole time? It shows how much I pay attention.

Professor Keating kept calling out people's names until there were none left. He dismissed class and I followed Doug outside.

"Hey Doug" I said smiling.

"Hey Carter." He said.

"So, when do you want to talk about the project?" I asked.

"Um, can we do it now, because I have to go home and sleep before work tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, we can do at my apartment if you want." I offered.

"That would be great, you lead the way."


"You never texted me." Doug said after we got comfortable in living room.

"I'm sorry, it's just been a lot going on here lately." I said feeling guilty.

"What's been going on?" He asked.

"You know school, work, among other things." I said.

"So that's a code for you really don't want to tell me." He said smiling.


"It's fine, I wouldn't expect you to tell me, but if you need to talk just know I'm only a text or phone call away." He said.

I smiled at him," Thanks for not prying"

"I know how it is." he said.

"So what do you have in mind about the project?" I asked

"I have no idea to be honest." he said.

"That makes two of us." I laughed.

"Well, since we don't what do right now, tell me about yourself partner." he said bumping my shoulder playfully.

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