Chapter 1

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"Mutualism refers to two kinds of organisms mutually benefiting from each other. If they lose one another, their lives will be greatly affected to the extent that it can lead to their deaths." The voice of the Biology teacher was hoarse yet resonant like the chirping insects outside the window. Every word meaningful.

The scorching setting sun shone into the classroom, casting a shadow. Chen Nian sat right in the middle of the light and the dark. Her whole being quiet and peaceful.

The sunlight dazzled on the thin strands of her bangs and her long, dark eyelashes, making her squint and make a futile attempt to block it.

Shadows appeared; it was the homeroom teacher... and two police officers behind him.

Suddenly, the classroom was in absolute silence.

"Chen Nian," the homeroom teacher stood by the door wearing a dignified and pleasant countenance rarely seen by anyone. She beckoned her, "come out for while."

Looking at the uniformed officers, Chen Nian's face slightly shifted.

She glanced at the empty seat at the front, then finally put down the mechanical pencil. Standing up, she fixed her skirt sticking on her legs.

The Biology teacher and the whole class' eyes followed her out the door. When they couldn't see her anymore, their ears listened intently to her footsteps, the fine hairs inside their ears excited to hear new gossip.

The homeroom teacher patted Chen Nian's frail shoulder, comforting her, "don't be nervous. They just wanna ask you a few questions."

The first officer had a serious face. The other was young and friendly, flashing his dimple as he smiled at her.

Chen Nian nodded and was about to follow the homeroom teacher to the office in silence when after a few steps, the teacher looked back and shouted to the curious students, "focus in class!"

When they arrived in the office and sat, the air conditioner was so cold that it was as if insects drilled into her every pore.

The homeroom teacher looked at Chen Nian with a calm, unhurried face and asked, "Chen Nian, you must know why these two officers are here?"

"I... I... I know." Chen Nian stuttered not cause she was nervous, but cause she has a speech disorder. Her face is pale cause her skin is especially thin.

"You know we're here cause Xiao Die jumped off the building?"

Chen Nian nodded. Her dark irises stared at the serious officer.

"You know why we're only asking you and not the other students?"

"That... day I was on... on duty."

"That day, Xiao Die, you, and two other students were on duty. After cleaning, the two left. When they did, only you and Xiao Die remained."

Chen Nian nodded.

"You left first before Xiao Die?"

Chen Nian nodded again.

"That day, did she tell you anything?"

Chen Nian shook her head. The black and white color of her eyes sharply contrasting.

"Did you notice anything peculiar about her?"

She shook her head again.

The young officer interrupted, "can you describe to us the feeling of when there were only two of you in the room?"

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