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Crystal chandeliers. Caged emotions.

"Can you please show me your ticket ma'am?", his voice sounded calming and soothing, yet somehow unsettling. 

Lisa's eyes pooling into his brownish grey orbs she was quite taken aback on how striking and hypnotising they were. It took her a brief moment to get a grip on herself before replying to his question.

"W-where can I buy one? Where's the ticket counter?", she stuttered, yet the impatience was still evident in her tone.

"Ma'am...", he paused inching closer to her ears, the sweetness of her blood and soul in a divine blend messing up with his mind as he tried his best to hold himself back from digging his fangs into her porcelain skin to taste her blood or suck her soul out of her body in a just simple kiss.

However the male held himself back as he neither wanted to taste the wrath of his brother nor lay his fingers on someone else's woman.

At this, the demon within him growled in annoyance as he hushed it silent continuing further with his sentence, "You can't buy it anywhere Miss", he paused whilst smirking.

"The ticket; It is given to you.", his hot breath fanning her neck the male muttered the words in his sinful low register.

Spine chilling at the intensity of his tone Lisa stepped back in reflex as the other did the same, regaining his composure. His soft yet intriguing eyes still firmly held on her, Lisa shifted her gaze as she fumbled with the straps of her backpack nervously.

"G-given? But I don't have any...", she trailed off in a brief trance while certain incidents from that morning flashed at the back of her mind.

Eyes widening in terror whilst remembering about something oddly deliberate, Lisa was at loss of words. Swallowing the lump formed in her dry throat the female sucked a breath through her parted lips.

"Given...", she repeated the word in a mere whisper as her fingers crawled into her backpack, pulling her wallet out.

Breath hitching on her throat the ends of her hair stood spine erected while her hands zipped the wallet open. A shaky breath slowly escaping her lips, Lisa was more than terrified when she found the shimmering piece paper pressed gold, still inside her wallet.

"I-is this the one?", she mumbled whilst drawing the shining sheet out, displaying it for his view.

His warm smile upturned into a smirk glancing at the said ticket, "Yes, ma'am", he replied extending his hands to receive the golden sheet.

Still in an utter shock, Lisa had nothing left in her to say a word. Watching her stand voiceless, the male simply removed the ticket from her grasp and held it at the front for her to see.

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