A helping hand

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Tweek was laying in bed as it's almost the start of senior year. Next week will be the first day of hell for Tweek. Tweek sighs softly as he rubs his large stomach as the twins kick and move. Suddenly someone knocks on tweeks door. " sweetie, can I come in " his mother says. Tweek looks at his stomach as he slowly gets up then wraps himself in a blanket " you can gah come in now " Tweek calls out. Mrs tweak goes inside and sits down next to Tweek " sweetheart what's going on with you? You don't drink coffee that much, you haven't been outside in a month and you sleep a lot. What's wrong sweetie, you can tell me " she says in a soft voice. " m mom.....please don't be mad at me.....I didn't think it would happen or could happen gah " Tweek says. " oh coffee bean just tell me I won't get angry I promise, I just want to help but I can't when I don't know what's going on with you " she says looking at Tweek. Tweek takes a deep breath and puts his blanket away showing his mother his large baby bump " I'm.....pregnant mom....and before you ask it's Craig's, we ack did it at Kenny's party.......it was a one night, I know I shouldn't keep them but I want to mom....I really do and I don't care what anyone gah says about them, I love them " Tweek says being serious. Mrs tweak hugs her son as tight as she can " oh baby, I understand I do. My sister had a baby your age and you already know her, so I understand completely. I'll help you and I'm sure your father will help too, why didn't you tell me? " she says. " I was s scared....I was scared you were gonna gah kick me out " Tweek cries. " oh sweetie of course not, I love you too much. I would never do that. But Tweek you have to tell your friends soon and Craig before they're born, alright? " she says. Tweek nods as mrs tweak kisses his head " I love you coffee bean, now get rest. I'll go make you something to eat and bring you some milk, just relax " she says as she walks out closing the door. Tweek smiles softly and lays on his side " maybe things aren't so bad as I gah thought "

( to be continued)

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