Chapter 1 "Home"

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"CHASE MATTHEWS! A-TTEN HUT!" I greet my commander a with sharp, but elagant salute. I am recognized as the "prodigy child" for I was born into the military. "Your training is done. You are now dissmissed head out to the main office to see where your going. Good luck soldier. You'll need it." I salute him once again and strut out. As I walk out into the hallway I hear my commander yell at some poor cadet, I smile and continue my way down the hall. I make my way to the office and as if on cue, the paperwork is lightly digi-constructed onto a nearby table. A hologram lights up with my initials C.M ENLISTING DOCUMENTS. I walk over and see I am to serve aboard the U.S.S Serenity. I've done countless research on this vessel. Its statistics are mighty. 2078 wins and over 47000 kills made. I flip over the page and see the picture of the ship. "Beautiful" I mutter. "Aye she be a fine ship." I snap around to see a veteran. I salute him and ask, "Have you served on this ship sir?" He lightly smiles and nods his head. "It must be an incredible to even step onto this ship. Yes?" He nods again. I clear my throat "It's been a pleasure speaking to you sir. Now of you would excuse me, I shall be on my way." He nods again once more. He stands up nimbly and walks over to me. Lifts up his shirt just below his belly button to reveal a wound about 3 inches wide. "Be careful son. This is from a from one of those bloody Athens rovers. Do well to take care of yourself." I salute and walk out. "I will." I mutter to myself. "I will".

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