Chapter FourCherry bit her nails and rearranged the books in the coffee table for the fifth time that morning. After the first date that ended weird, She needed this to be perfect for Finn.
"Cherry, sweetheart, relax," David said to his daughter as he sniffed the air, burning cinnamon filled the air.
"Sorry, Daddy," Cherry replied, attempting to calm herself down, "do you want something? A drink," she asked.
"Yes, that would be great," David replied, knowing that Cherry needed something to keep her mind occupied.
Cherry cane back with a drink for her father as her brothers made their way down the stairs, Axel's face was black and blue, Cherry gave him a soft smile she forgave him for his overreaction and shoving her in the closet.
"Finn is here," Cherry said, smiling.
"How do you know?" David asked, confused. There was no knock on the door yet.
"I can smell him," Cherry said with a shrug heading to the door.
Finn was walking up the steps when Cherry opened the door he smiled, knowing she would always know when he was at the house by scent alone.
"Hey," Finn said, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Hello, Alpha," Cherry replied into his stomach.
Cherry backed up so Finn could get into the house and meet her father.
"Hello, I'm Finnley," he said, holding out his hand.
"David St. James, so you wanna court Cherry?" He's asked.
Finn was a bit taken back. David was straight to the point, no dancing around the issue. Cherry excused herself, saying she needed to check on lunch.
"Yes, Sir," Finn replied, looking David in the eye. He wasn't going to let David intimidate him.
David nodded and ran his finger across his lip before he spoke again, bringing up the Cherry was sick, and she needed someone to take care of her medically.
"I am aware," Finn replied.
Finn thought it was a strange thing to bring up, he already knew that Cherry's medication was hard on the family and she skipped doses to make it last all month because David would forget to pick it up.
"It's fine with me but rules," David said.
Cherry came back into the room and knelt next to her father, keeping her head down.
"Okay, what are they?" Finn asked everything in him wanted to hold Cherry to tell her to get up. She didn't need to kneel.
"Don't confuse Cherry, she knows her place but sometimes needs a reminder, no pups! You are too young, and I want Cherry to finish high school," David said, petting her head.
Finn watched as Cherry leaned into the touch, he knew David didn't show his kids much affection, so they were all touch starved.
"I don't want pups anytime soon, so you got nothing to worry about there," Finn said with a laugh.
"Oh, Alpha how rude of me, would you like something to drink?" Cherry asked, still keeping her head down.
"No, thank you," Finn said, turning his attention back to David, knowing that's what was expected of him. Finn would tell Cherry how sorry he was later.
David looked down at his daughter and shoved her to the side. It was unexpected and caught Cherry off guard. She hit the floor hard, Finn jumped up and growled long and deep at David before helping Cherry up off the floor.

So This Is Love
RomanceCherry St. James is the youngest of the St. James triplets not only is she the only girl but she is also what science calls a true or pure Omega, she had a biological need to please any Alpha that comes into her life, she doesn't like it but she doe...