Chapter Five:

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My father promised to take care of the 'Dylan Situation'. I'm not sure what he planned to do. I wouldn't mind if the boy was banished to hell, but the council would never allow my father to take souls who haven't been cursed.

The best he can do to the gargoyle is a slap on the wrist, but perhaps, that's exactly what Dylan the douche needs.

He isn't at school the next day which makes me wonder exactly what my father decided to do. Maybe he convinced the council to make an exception?

At lunch time, Aeleanor and I sit under a weeping willow in the school yard. She pokes at a dandelion salad, mindlessly, while I suck on French blood disguised in an apple sauce pouch.

Across from us, there's a group of vampires tossing a ball amongst themselves. One of them, a tall boy with ashen skin, dark hair and mismatched eyes, stops every few seconds and scans the yard. His eyes always linger on the petite elf, sitting obliviously next to me.

When the boy does it for the third time, I raise an eyebrow and turn to Aeleanor. "Who's that?" I ask, pointing him out.

She rolls her eyes. "Jace." She responds. "He's the biggest troublemaker I know. Last year, he dated this girl, Evelyn, and it ended really badly between them. So he went to her house to talk, and her family wouldn't let him so he swiped their infant son in the middle of the night and stuck him in a basketball hoop."

"Like actually in the hoop?" I ask, trying to hide my smile. That's a gag I've yet to try but maybe I will now that I need to occupy myself on earth.

Aeleanor nods. "Yes. The boy was fine, but he was shaken up of course. And Jace's family got Evelyn's parents to drop the charges." She explains. "I despise him."

I decide not to point out the fact that it isn't mutual. He keeps throwing glances at her. Almost rhythmically, as if he's possessed. It's comical.

"Why did things end between him and Evelyn?" I ask trying to gain more insight on him.

Aeleanor sighs and puts her Tupperware down on the grass. She turns her body so she's facing me. "Lillith, what do you know about Cupid?" She asks.

I shrug. My dad tells me that Cupid is nothing but a myth. Love doesn't even exist in hell, and it sure as hell doesn't exist on earth. We simply feel possession. My father doesn't love me, but he possess me and I belong to him. I am his daughter, his heir. He didn't love my mother either. He simply possessed her.

"Cupid doesn't exist." I tell Aeleanor.

She blinks at me. "Lilith, I know you aren't human, and you know that I'm not human." She says slowly. "So let's drop the act for a second."

I cross my arms. "This isn't an act. Cupid is mythical." I insist.

"How can you be so sure?" Aeleanor asks.

I'd like to tell her that I'm so sure becuase I am the devil's daughter. I know of the happenings in the world and all the births that take place. Each baby that's born is logged to go to hell, heaven or they're simply lost in the sea of lost souls. But I can hardly tell her that Cupid has never been logged.

"I just am." I settle on.

"Well," Aeleanor frowns. "I believe in Cupid. And I'll tell you why. Last year, Evelyn chased after Jace as if she were in a desert and he was the last drop of water left. He shot her down like a million times."

I glance at Jace. He does seem like the cold-hearted type.

"But he ended up falling in love with her. They were inseparable after that. Jace and Evy. Another man couldn't even speak Evelyn's name without Jace losing his shit. Everyone was sure they'd marry straight out of high school. Even I was."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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