Chapter 15 ~ Mistakes

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This might be hard for some to read.

Chapter 15: Mistakes

The next few weeks flew by smoothly. I spent my days by Sol's side doing various chores for him. He claimed he was too old to do them but we both knew he quite liked having someone running about for him. Not that I was complaining. Now that I knew how to make the ink, I was going to learn how to draw the patterns. There was more than just being able to draw them, it was understanding each meaning of the runes. I picked that up quickly.

There was no sign of Valdis and his wolves but the Alpha wasn't going to make the same mistake as last time in assuming they'd run away. He was sure they'd be back. In fact, I'd overheard him speaking to the Beta about how he was sure they'd come back, for me. In their eyes, I was a traitor. Something to be disposed of.

Even now that I was part of the pack, the Beta still acted as my keeper. I ate most meals at his feet, food that he'd picked for me. My portions were slowly getting bigger but I struggled to eat most of it. He'd finish anything I didn't eat. I wasn't sure why nobody had demanded I sit elsewhere. I wasn't a high ranked member of the pack, I'd learned that I had no right to sit where I did. But nobody challenged it and so I never asked.

I eyed the male sat behind me who was purposefully looking anywhere but at me. Attempts at seduction as Katrin had suggested had been flouted, but I'd never really tried to begin with. I didn't know how to be seductive, or sexy as Katrin had put it. Even the new dress she'd made me that fit better to my shape did little to hold his interest.

I'd been getting no more than a kiss to the top of the head or a kiss to the cheek from him. I got the distinct impression someone had told him to keep his distance and that upset me. Of course he still got my food and still slept beside me but he'd been talking about finding a place of my own once I was healthy. He wanted me gone.

Fingers rubbing my scalp stopped the growls I hadn't even noticed coming from me. He was forever telling me that my overthinking only got me wound up. What did he want me to do, stop thinking?

Pushing his hand away, I shuffled a little further from him and picked at what was left on my plate. I wasn't hungry today. Nothing appealed to me. I didn't even care that he'd scold me in front of everyone if I didn't at least try to eat. In fact, I could sense his growing irritation with me today. This had been the first lunch we'd shared together for a while and I hadn't so much as greeted him.

"You look pale today, Freydis." The Alpha Female frowned at me, nudging her mate. "Doesn't she look pale?"

The Alpha tipped his head as he studied me and I could have rolled my eyes at the worry in his expression. All of a sudden, this male had taken to looking after me as his mate did. I had my suspicions about who it was that told Bjarke to put space between us. Now I was pack, the Alpha pair were treating me like a pup, and God forbid their Beta had interest in a pup.

I wasn't allowed to leave the camp alone, I wasn't allowed to go to bed unless Bjarke was going so I wasn't alone, Sol had to oversee every chore I did like I might collapse at any second. They were either concerned for my help, or still unsure where my loyalties lay.

"I'm just a little tired," I excused, which wasn't a complete lie. Nightmares had been coming more and more often, mostly the same dream of being chased by darkness.

"Bjarke told us you've been waking up during the night," Alpha Jakkon prompted, blue eyes scanning my face.

I pinned the Beta with a glare but he was focussed on his plate. Of course he was relaying my ever move and breath. Every time I lost control of instincts, they knew. Anytime I refused to eat, he told them. Pack or not, holding title of guardian over me or not, I was still trapped under his eye.

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