Part 3 I guess

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The song for this chapter is falling by Harry styles currently crying cos of how sad it is. 

<3rd P.O.V>

As Harry lay on the floor dying mini Fred noticed something he began crying and screaming "Dada, Dada, Dada, Dad." At the same moment, Draco noticed something. He felt Harry's lifeforce getting smaller and smaller. By the time that Draco was able to get back to there house Harry's life force was almost nonexistent. He went to were he herd Freddy's "Dada Dada wake up Dada wake up" screams and cries. He realized that Freddy was in his and Harry's bathroom. He went in there and saw the most heartbreaking sight in the world. The love of his life lying nearly dead on the bathroom, And there one year old holding his Dada's hand not knowing that his Dada was dead. Draco Aperated Himself, Harry and Freddy to St.Mongos. "EMERGENCY MY BOYFRIEND OVERDOSED OR SOMETHING PLEASE HELP. HELP. The healers looked at Harry knowing that there was nothing that they could do. They just simply took Harry from Draco's hands and put him down on a bed and put monitoring charms all around the bed. They made sure to put Harry in Medical induced coma. Harry stayed there for 10 days. 10 Days with Draco being there 24/7. His son Freddy with Hermione and Ron or with Harry S. and Louis. After 10 days then the Golden Boy died the savior died . The whole wizarding world is devastated.Draco more than anyone. He could not be soothed by anyone When he finally had the courage to open up the note that was next to His Ravens Body. It was the last thing that his Raven had left for him. So he had to. He opened it and when he read the first words he started crying

Dear Draco

I love you so much but I can't do it anymore. I love you so much. More than you could ever imagine. I love Scorp more than anything else. I can't live on knowing all of the lives I tore apart all of the people who died because of me. You could not have done anything to stop it, Dray. It's all my fault. I am the reason that Teddy will never have a proper family. I am the reason that Severus is dead. I can't do it. I want you to go on to take care of Scorp. Make sure he knows who I am. Make sure that he is loved. Make sure he does not have to face the things that I did. Make sure he is ok. Tell him that I loved him, Dray. Tell him I love him. Please I know that he will not remember me. Tell Teddy I love him too. Tell Ron & Hermione to keep going for their unborn child. Tell Luna not to lose hope. Tell Gorge to keep a smile on his face. Tell Molly and Arthur that I love them like my own parents. Most of all Dray keep a smile on your face. Don't let the darkness engulf you.


Your Little Raven

That was the last thing his Raven had said he loved him.He can't believe that his little Raven felt like this. 

Sorry don't kill me. I cried writing this. I can't even proofread it because of how much it hurts to read 

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