Part Four

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The moon had been high above their heads but they could not see it. Though that had not mattered, time was the last thing they had given any thought to. All they knew was that it was after midnight, and the chance of being rescued by an authority figure making their rounds was slim. Even if one had entered the property for any reason, they would have most likely not questioned the sounds of screaming coming from a haunted house on Halloween. It was best to make negative assumptions rather than to get their hopes up with wishful thinking. Instead they had kept their minds' preoccupied with ideas on how to get out of the potential situations their imaginations created.

Brian was examining his surroundings, trying to figure out ways he could use the decaying props around him as weapons. He was hoping to have the chance to defend himself. Jefferson was not the only one capable of saving the day. It was hard for Brian to not be the center of attention even when he was being hunted down by psychopaths. He had been used to being praised for his achievements throughout most of his life. And to him, Jefferson had stolen a chance for him to be in the spotlight once again. A combination of his jealousy and the rage that sprung from running for his life had ignited the flame that caused his violent tendencies. He was more than prepared to take action. The thought of taking another person's life had not bothered him. At the moment, it seemed to intrigue him.

Although Jefferson had already taken one life with ease, he had his fingers crossed that he would not have to do so again. If it meant saving his friends and himself he would do it without hesitation. Given the circumstance he had enough reason to justify his actions. But he was struggling enough with putting his psyche back together from the first act of defense, and he did not want to damage it beyond repair. Fortunately for him, the task of finding Amber had kept him distracted from the black blood cycling through his veins. He would have to face his demons another time.

As they got closer to the entrance, their memories became hazy on which turns they had taken. They tried to think if the displays they were passing they had already passed. Was the hall with decapitated heads with eyes and mouths sown shut one they waked through? The next one with bloody hand prints drug down the wall seemed familiar. What carnage had already been seen and what had not? Then, they came to a path which they simultaneously knew they had not been on before. Its walls were lined with instruments of torture. Certain remains of the victims of these deadly traps lingered in their grip. A bear trap hung, its teeth biting down around a tibia. Across from it was an iron maiden stained with the blood of whoever was last inside. It was obviously home-made, yet it was well constructed.

Tessa became filled with dread. Since the night had taken a turn for the worst, she had kept herself in denial about it. It has been hard for her to accept this as a reality. Situations like this had become something that existed for her entertainment when she would flip over to IFC late at night. But now she was in the spotlight playing the part, only she didn't have a script. She was not ready to be an addition to this display. Not without clearing her conscious. There had been one thing, something that did not just affect her, lingering on her mind. And now it was at the front of it, forcing its way out.

"Wait," she said with urgency. Jefferson and Brian stopped abruptly and looked at her with apprehension, curious to know what was so important it could not wait until after they escaped this serial killer's playground. "There is something I need to get off my chest now in case I won't be able to later."

"Tessa, right now is not the time or place for a meaningful talk," said Brian. He had no patience for such trivial things as her emotional responses to fear. Humoring her request could end badly for them. Jefferson wanted her to drop it as well, but for a different reason. He was staring at her with nervous eyes. "Please do not say what I think you are about to say, oh for the love of god please don't," he thought.

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