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Exhausted Levi x reader | fluff

You had finished supper down at the mess hall with the rest of the cadets. However, you couldn't help but notice that the corporal, otherwise known as your boyfriend, never came down for dinner. He didn't even come down for his usual tea. Therefore, you decided that you would bring some food and tea to his office as soon as you were done eating. Levi overworking himself wasn't something new he would skip meals and sleep just to get that stupid paperwork done. Of course, you being his girlfriend you ensured that he would get sleep and ate properly but that man was ridiculously stubborn and would ignore you continuing those habits.

"Ah is he skipping meals again?" Asked Hanji approaching you as you fill a plate with food. "Yeah, you know how he is," you respond covering the plate with some saran wrap. "I do but shorty is lucky to have someone who cares for him the way you do." She says with a bright smile. "I guess so," you say. She places a comforting hand on your shoulder before walking away. You sigh and move on to making his favorite tea.


You made your way to Levi's office and knocked on the door and to no one's surprise he was in there, "name and business?" He said. "It's me I brought you dinner." You responded. He didn't say anything and instead walked over to open the door for you. "Hi baby," He said kissing your cheek lovingly. You smile and walk into his room placing the food on his desk. Once you did Levi came from behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist nuzzling his head into your neck. "Come on captain you have to eat," you say messing with his hair. He sighs and lets go of you, "Tch fine," he goes to his seat but puts the paper to the side so what he could still write. "Um I think the fuck not." You say taking his pen and moving the paper completely aside. "You are eating and only eating. No distractions." "It's not a distraction brat it's work." "Distraction!" Levi rolls his eyes but gives in knowing that you had your stubbornness the way that he did.

You sat across from him not leaving so that you could make sure that he ate. There was small talk here and there simply enjoying each other's company. In that time you noticed that his eye bags had grown darker. "Love, how long has it been since you slept?" You ask walking over to Levi who was back to his paper work. "Last night." He responded. Liar. "Really, at what time?" You ask teasingly knowing damn well that he was lying to you. "Tch I don't know, two am?" He respond trying to switch the conversation. "Liar! I went to the bathroom at that time and you were still here." You say crossing your arms around your chest. "The why the fuck are you asking."

"To see if you would tell me the truth. Come on you're taking a nice warm shower and going to bed early." You say dragging him to the bathroom. "I still have shit loads of work to do." He whines. "I'll tell Erwin that you'll be taking the night off. Now run along." "Y/nn." He continues to whine. "Nope" you say smacking his butt as he walked past you. He turns and glares at you, "Tch fine but don't touch me that way woman." "Fine, love you!" "Love you too." He says finally going into the bathroom.

You wait until you hear the water start to run just to make sure that he didn't try to trick you. Once you heard it you headed to Erwins office he opens the door confused as to why you payed him a visit. "Hello cadet l/n." "Hello sir I just came to inform you that captain Levi's paperwork will be delayed tonight since he is lacking sleep." You say making Erwin smile. "That's fine just take care of him for me and the rest of humanity." He says. You smile and nod saluting him and heading back to your room.

As Levi took his shower you began organizing his desk, placing all the finished paperwork on one pile and the unfinished in another. You also wiped down his desk removing any ink spots and even went as far as set up the bed. Levi walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist. You looked up from your book and couldn't help but stare at how ridiculously attractive he was making you wonder how you got so lucky. "Like what you see?" He smirks going to get some clothes from his drawers. "I sure do captain," you respond making Levi chuckle.

You watched as he gets dressed into just boxers and muscle tee. You set your book on the nightstand as Levi got into bed with you. Tonight you decided that he would be the little spoon. You got closer to him and rested his head on your chest and his arms went around your waist. You then began brushing your fingers into his still soaked hair. "Thank you," he mumbled softly. "No need to thank," you respond feeling his grip around you tighten.


The next morning Levi was the first up, no surprise there. He realized he was still holding on to you and that you had fallen asleep with your hand on his hair. He gently and slowly removed it ensuring that he didn't wake you up. Once he did he stretched looking up at the ceiling. He hadn't slept the way he did in such a long time and it felt amazing. He even had sleeping long marks all across his arms. He remembered you saying that if those marks appeared then it meant you had an amazing slumber and oh boy where you right.

Levi's attention then turned back to you. He took a second to admire your features from your soft parted lips, your eyes shut allowing him to see your long eyelashes and even your adorable cheek pressed against the pillow. He didn't even care about the paper work that needed to be done, all he could think of was you. Since he joined the survey corps, no one had ever cared for him the way that you did and for that he would forever be grateful.

Levi Ackerman | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now