Chapter: 3

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Chapter: 3

The three of us left to Hollywood. When we arrived at Nicki's and she told us to sit down. She told us that shockingly, this person who killed One Direction was only dressed up like a middled aged female, it was a man, a young adult. She told us about the killer and why he did what he did, I cannot tell you anymore about that conversation, it would give far too much away. Suddenly we heard pounding at the door. It was the cops! They some-how knew that I knew, who did it, I thenb noticed on the table, the name of the killer. I ran over before the cops could and I pulled out my lighter , gave it to Bela as Kylie held up the paper, and Bela burned it. All three of us were arrested for distruction of evidence. I accepted it though, because all I was really doing, was protecting myself. For the first time in a long time, I saw Bela and Kylie pray.

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