Marinette's House

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 After they had skated some more Marinette invited Adrien over to play Mega Strike III with her. Adrien knew not to turn her down. He nodded as if she was going to offer it to someone else. He was such a dork.

Marinette walked from the ice rink to the bakery and the two went straight up to her room. The two chatted for a little while until Sabine offered to bring up some croissants. As if she somehow knew they were Adrien's favorite. Adrien's eyes lit up as the croissants approached him. "I hope these are good," Sabine announced. Marinette felt a small smile tugging at her cheeks. They were burning up. She could only imagine what was going through her mother's mind right now.

The two played Mega Strike III for about an hour until they decided to go meet up with Nino and Alya. Those two were always trying to make Adrien and Marinette spend as much time as possible with each other. The only way to get out of it was if they did it themselves. Oh, and they did. They were spending a lot of time together.

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