Celestial intervention

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One word.

One word to make Lola's heart sink to the tips of her toes and her blush rage across the expanse of her cheeks. Yes, it was strange and unnerving to be on top of Egris but switch?

She didn't know if she could handle that.

But the hologram was rather determined to speed up the coupling process.

Lola lifted herself off Egris' waist and waited for him to regain his towering height. She tried desperately not to look down but alas, it was hard not to.

And Lola's suspicions were confirmed.

He had a big old hard-on.

Trying not to make a scene, Lola took his place lying down on the mat and crossed her arms on her lap. Egris' muscular thighs rested in her waist and she sucked in a breath.

Never in her life had she felt so alive with just a touch. It didn't take much, but it felt like a flame branding Lolas skin. She kept her eyes locked on the ceiling once again and prayed to all the gods she knew for what was about to transpire.

The digital woman commanded for Egris to do the same - immerse in touch. 

He didn't hesitate to round her hips with his calloused palm and trace the outline of her shaking body. Egris' eyes watched the dance his fingers played on her skin with a hidden flame sparking behind them.

For a moment, his fingers slipped under her top and she harshly held her breath. 

Oh god.

The traitorous hologram dispelled back into its metal casing and the room was left with the harsh breathing of Lola and Egris as the background noise. 

The pad of his thumb curved under her breasts and she squirmed slightly. 

Whatever that feeling was coursing through Lola's vein, she yearned for it and detested it at the same time. It was painfully euphoric.

Both their hearts pounded at a wild, rambling pace and fought against the constraints of the ribs. His eyes flitted from her chest to the cut of her jaw and rosy cheeks.

Lifting up his hand from her side, Egris cupped Lola's right cheek and she leant into it, seeking the warmth it provided. 

"Lola," He croaked and their eyes met each other instantly.


"I'm sorry." Egris whispered.

Lolas brows knitted in confusion as his hands left her body and fell to the side of her head, caging her in.

"What?" She whispered and searched his strained face, "Is there something wr-"

Not letting her finish that sentence, Egris pressed his warm, full lips to hers and held his breath.

He had never kissed before.

Only his mother on the cheek but hardly counted. God, it was good.

Fluttering her eyelids shut, Lola indulged in the movement of Egris' lips against hers. It was unexpected and she didn't know why he apologised, but it wasn't every day a hot alien carved from the gods themselves kisses you. And she was going to make the most of it. Mimicking each other's movements, the two fell into a lustful bliss for a split second. 

But of course, someone had to ruin it.

And that someone wasn't human at all.

"Egris! Don't forget the-"

Lola instantly tried to scramble to her feet once she heard the double doors slam open and the excited footsteps of Sestru. Egris was slower to stand and shot vile looks at his friend who had turned the deepest shade of Prussian blue. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't realise you were...." his sentence died down awkwardly and he pointed his hand in the direction of a crimson Lola. 

"What is it Sestru?" Egris barked and stretched his broad shoulders for added effect. 

"I was just saying to not forget a-about the c-couple assembly." He spluttered and made a beeline for the safety of the canteen and away from the daggers of Egris' eyes.

"I hadn't forgotten." he seethed, placing a large, heated hand on her shoulder.


God, that was embarrassing. 

Lola hoped that Sestru wouldn't speak a word of what he saw to anyone else. Just the thought of that spreading made her stomach turn.

Sitting down on the sofa waiting for Egris to be ready was the longest few minutes of her life. Constantly flitting her thoughts to the kiss caused her head to ache and her hands to clam. It was intense, simmering and completely strange.

There was little warning.....

Well, apart from the constant lingering touches of a blue hand upon her waist but that was hardly confirmation.

Yes, it was really good. She doubted he had been close to a woman before considering that Xyon females had all died out, but the way he executed everything vaguely intimate, made her think otherwise. The man knew how to make them weak.

A small voice in the back of her head pleaded that another kiss would ensue later tonight. Preferably in the dark surrounded by the comfort of the blankets.......

Enough, she internally scolded.

There would be time to go over the situation later, for now, there was the couple assembly to worry about.

Egris had explained briefly on the way to their rooms that it was just a check-up to see how far each pair had gone in their 'journey'. 

Lola thought that it invaded a couples privacy immensely. 

Having every little gesture and 'goal' logged so people could see how close you were to ending up in bed together was sick. If they really wanted to know, why couldn't they have private meetings with the doctors? Wouldn't that make more sense?

"Ready?" Egris had emerged from his room in a new black suit that looked identical to the one he was wearing earlier.

The assembly was being held in a second meeting room which Lola had never seen before. It was a level up from the canteen and double the size of the room used for couple meetings and their brief kiss. 

Chairs had already been laid out in neat rows facing the stage in front. Lola and Egris arrived slightly later and had to settle in the seats at the back, causing everyone to seem very small. A few chairs in front of Lola was Julie, playing with Sestru's hand.  

Lola was tempted to whisper shout her name but knew it was of little use. Half the room would end up hearing, anyway.

But she was bursting at the seems to spill about the kiss and what to do next.

Julie had already formed into a doting love bird and was the go-to person for sound romantic advice. 

Lola desperately needed some. 

Advice, that is. 

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