Chapter 1

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So, this all began when we lost our match against AobaJohsai. I really wanted to improve wanted to look at view from the summit but i was getting blocked every time. So, I started opening my eyes while spiking and Kageyama and i got into fight so now he won't toss to me. So here i was cycling to no where in particular so obviously i got lost(again,just perfect). I went around the corner to see if i could figure out where i am. It's been hours i been going around I still don't know where am i. So i took my volleyball and started playing in the park i found while i was going around while i wait for someone to come around so I could ask because coach Ukai said to keep the ball with me all the time. I feel like i am again in middle school. "Chibi-Chan?" I was startled when someone called I didn't even hear anyone come. But the voice i know it. I turned slowly and shirked "grand king!" Great just.....
before i could say anything he asked "what are you doing here?" 
"Ahhh... I ... I'm playing volleyball?"
He was looking at me intensely, I really wanted to die right here right now. So he asked again "I mean here as in so far away from Karasuno!"
"I got lost wasn't paying attention where i was going and my mobile also died so .... yeah !"
"So you attempt to play volleyball by yourself. It's was a terrible attempt you do realise it is a game of six players right."
"Yesh i know but i got in the habit of playing by myself as in my middle i was the only member of the volleyball club for 3 years so yeah....."
When I stopped explaining he just stared at me and after some time let out a sigh 'you got to be kidding me' and before i could ever respond he said " shouldn't you be asking about direction"
I was about to reply when i again interrupted and said " never mind come, i will show you the way" and left for me to follow.
I was shocked and processing what just happened and followed him slowly.
I took my cycle and started walking silently.
While we were walking there were a lot of things going inside my head like what is grand king doing here, does he live near by, why is he helping me, also we lost to them just a few weeks ago, moreover we are rivals and didn't Kageyama said he had a terrible personality, the fight with him and so on .......
We kept walking me deep in my thoughts didn't even notice that grand king was looking at him till he called out
"Chibi-Chan you are unusually quiet, what are you thinking?"
And the first thing that came to my mind and i said it "you .... you can just give me directions I really don't want to trouble you."
"Nah it no trouble at all, also I wanted to ask you did you come all this way on cycle?" He said as he stared in between me and the cycle.
"Oh yeah I wasn't really looking were i was going until I reached around here and then i went around here for some time couldn't find anything but just the park soni though i will play volleyball till i see someone and ask for directions and then you came so thank you very much." I said with a big smile.
He laughed at that. And my breath got caught in my throat and my heart was beating really fast because he looked really wonderful when he laughed. When he stopped I tried to change the topic and asked
"Why are you helping me i mean we are rivals after all?...and shouldn't you be at practice?"
He pouted and said "Iwa chan threw me out of the gym and told me to take it easy and if I overworked by playing any more volleyball he will make sure to have me on bench for rest of the season and i am helping you because I'm a good person."
I stared at him when he said he was a good person. And he made an offended face and pouted again. And stared straight ahead and asked about my practice i turned my face to the other side and said I didn't had any and was basically kicked out as well.
I didn't needed to turn to know grand king was staring at me. I added " also there is no use Kageyama won't toss to me if i open my eyes while spiking and we really are not talking right now" my eyes had slowly fell to the ground and I slowed down I didn't even notice until grand king stopped to look at me properly and said "oh so trouble in paradise huh." I looked at him and tilled my head in confusion. He laughed again at the reaction and signalled me to keep walking.
So to change the topic he asked where are we going for the summer.
"Tokyo!! We are going to Tokyo for the summer training camp we were invited but Nekoma volleyball club. I am really excited to meet Kenma there he is a really good friend of mine."
Grand king was startled was with the news.
And asked how And i said with a big smile
"Oh we had practice match with them before so there coach invited us"
"Oh that's amazing congratulations" grand king replied with small really sweet smile.
"Here we are i do hope you reach home safely from here although i still be worried that you reach or not so here my number tell me when you reach home" writing the number on a paper and giving it to me while speaking. Then he blushed a little and scratched his head nervously and said "i would have gone all the way till you're house to make sure but if iwa chan found out I didn't go home straight he will kill me ......also ... uh .... it was really nice talking with you Chibi-Chan i know we are rivals on the court and all but...ummm I would really like to know you better as well off the court i mean and we can hang out and stuff if ...want, text me when you reach home Chibi-Chan" he rambled and left. Leaving behind a confused hinata in blushing state. He put the number inside his bag safely and went home safely and put the mobile on charging and took volleyball and played outside to clear his head as still there was day light outside. When he returned inside his home again he was sweating and smelled so he went to take shower. When he had eaten his dinner he remembered earlier encounter with grand king, his number, he has to text him.
He went to his room took out the number and texted "grand king"

HS: I mean Oikawa san?
OT: yes i am, is it Chibi-Chan?
HS: my name is hinata Shoyuou
       And I reached home i just forgot to message you I'm sorry.
OT: oh good, i was wondering what happened it's ok you didn't got lost again Chibi-Chan
HS: sorry grand king
HS: also i am not Chibi-Chan. My name is hinata. Hinata Shoyou
OT: ok i will call you hina-chan or shoy chan if you can tell me my name
HS: easy you are grand king
OT: then you are Chibi-Chan
HS: Fine! Oikawas san
OT: finally Hina chan
OT: As much as i like talking with you i have to go my moms calling me. TTYL. Bye
HS: no problem i have to go too bye

That night oikawa tooru couldn't sleep. All he can think was about Hinata's brighter then sun smile. How he looked at him with those beautiful eyes that had Oikawa in their captivity the moment he saw them for the first time. The very first time and he never released it why he still couldn't but for some unknown reason he couldn't keep Hinata out of his mind.

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