Chapter Seven: Natsu

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Loke's POV
It's been almost a week since Lucy and I have officially started dating but we haven't actually told anyone yet. Well, I have, but just Aries and Virgo back in the spirit world.

I don't think Lucy told anyone, at least not anyone at the guild. Knowing her, she doesn't trust anyone at the guild enough to tell them something big like that. Not even Wendy. Wendy is nice and wouldn't let out a secret out in purpose, but she's honestly a really bad liar. She wouldn't be able to keep the secret if she tried.

"Loke! How much longer are you staying here? It looks like Lucy is almost healed now." Natsu waved me over from across the guild. He was right, Lucy was healing pretty quickly. Wendy's healing magic couldn't help her any since her legs aren't damaged, she just has to relearn how to walk.

"Ah, I'm not sure. Probably not much longer, if she can walk again then I won't be needed anymore."

"Well how about we battle before you have to leave?" Natsu said, jumping over to me. "Me and you, one versus one?" He held his hand out to make a deal. I shook it and he pulled me off to a battle area that was built when Fairy Tail was rebuilt.

"I think you'd be better off fighting Gray, you won't beat me." He took a spot on one side of the arena and I stood across from him.

"I'll still do my best, whether I think I'll win or not."

"Um, Natsu, are you ok? That's not something you'd usually say. Don't you usually say 'I'm all fired up'?" He looked at me and smiled, but it wasn't in his eyes.

"Natsu, do you need to talk?" I lowered my fists and relaxed from the stance I was in. "What happened to you, dude? Nothing can ever bring you down..."

"You remember that time I said I would keep your secret about you liking Lucy?"


"And I wouldn't have told anyone anyway because it's like "Why would Natsu care about who likes Lucy and who doesn't?""

"Natsu. Do you.....have a crush on Lucy?"

"It's not obvious, is it?"

"I'm sorry, but she doesn't like you like th-"

"Of course she wouldn't like me! You're always kissing her! Trying to make her fall for you!" He ran at me and took a swing, completely catching me off guard. I wasn't able to block it and flew backwards, turning in the air before catching myself and landing.

He came at me again, ready to swing but I grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground. "Natsu, we can't fight like this!"

"And why not? You don't want to fight for Lucy? Are you too scared!" There was so much anger in his voice that the last question didn't even sound like a question. He jumped up and ran for me again. I blocked him and pinned him on the ground, trying to calm him down.

"Natsu, she already chose. It was over before it even started." He stopped struggling and looked at me.

"She chose you....didn't she?" He sounded defeated so I got off of him. He stood up and walked towards the door. "Good....good game."

Lucy's POV:
"Oh, Hey, Natsu's back. Who won?" Erza pointed over to a sulking Natsu walking towards us.

"Haha, he looks sad. He probably lost twice!" Gray teased. Natsu popped into a random happy mood and ran over to our table.

"Nope! It was a tie, I just ended it early. Loke's actually really boring in fights." He said, sitting down next to Gray. "I think we should battle next but this time, we'll have a winner!" Gray pushed him away and stood up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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