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kaldur'ahm x atlantean! reader
requested by: Polli2123
picture credits: jahnoyl on Twitter
Your P.O.V.

"Excellent work back there, (Y/N); you did an amazing job taking out those dealers." Kaldur compliments me, giving me a slight nod before leading the way back to our mode of transportation. I blush in return. Luckily, it's too dark for him to really see the way my face heats up at his touch.

"It was nothing..." I brush it off, fighting the urge to feel the how hot my face is. He turns around and places his hand on my shoulder, only fanning the flame in my cheeks.

My (E/C) eyes boring into his pale green ones.

"Taking down 50 armed hostiles and safely freeing over 40 hostages is not 'nothing'. It is most certainly something, at least in my book." He smiles at me and turns back around, returning to his post of leading the team towards Sphere and the bioships' hidden position.

"When do you think they'll finally hook up?" Robin whispers semi-discreetly behind me.

"At the rate their going? It'll take months." M'gann jokingly responds. I roll my eyes and throw them a look that hopefully says, 'please shut up and try not to blow my cover'. They both snicker and start gossiping about something else.

I take deep breaths as to calm myself down from my earlier interaction with my childhood friend (and biggest crush) and continue walking.

M'gann, Kaldur and myself go into the bioship while Superboy, Robin and Artemis take Sphere.

In no time, we're back in Mount Justice and settling down for the night. I assume Wally and Zatanna are already asleep given they weren't need for this mission.

I head over to the couch and turn on the TV; maybe something good will help me fall asleep. Having insomnia isn't exactly the greatest thing.

I'm channel surfing when I feel the couch dip, multiple times. I turn my attention away from the TV to look around me and see a good handful of my teammates looking at me. M'gann, Artemis and Robin, at least I assume he is under those shades of his.

"You guys have something you want to talk about with me? The way you're all looking at me, I assume you're not here for the TV..." I say in a tired voice and take a look around me through tired eyes.

"We think you should confess to Kaldur." Artemis starts. I raise my right eyebrow.

"Is that so?" I reply, heartbeat quickening at the thought.

"We see the way you guys look at each other." M'gann offers in small, comforting voice.

"We aren't blind." Robin jokes with a smirk on his face.

"Where is he?" I ask, knowing they already know who I'm talking about.

"Asleep." Robin responds quickly.

"How exactly does he look at me?" I ask after a short silence. I already know how I look at him since I'm the one doing the looking...

"Lovingly." Artemis supplies with a sureness I only hear on the battlefield.

"It's like he's hypnotized!" Robin exclaims loudly, at least for it to be 23:26.

"Like your the only star in the sky." M'gann says with her hands clasped together and a big smile on her face. Hearing those comments, hearing their thoughts on the subject, makes me feel more confident in myself.

"Alright, I've been persuaded." I say with a small smile.

"Yay!" M'gann reaches over and gives me a strong squeeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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