Chapter Two - Home is where I want to be

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I'm warning all of you in advanced that this chapter was written at midnight and was not edited. Please don't kill me.

Chapter Two

        Home is where I want to be...


        I was never one for planes. Heights and a nervous wreck don't mix, at all. Yet I agreed to go with Frank just so I could see my family. God damn why must I have a heart?!

    Frank and I had met at his hotel early that morning. And when I said early, I meant it. Three thirty in the morning is a horrible time to stubble out of bed and try to find your way to a hotel in the middle of New York city. It's like the reversal of a one night stand.

       The plane was full of hot military ass, in which I wouldn't touch. Correction, the words "you may look but you cannot touch" had left Mr. Sheerwoods mouth multiple times. It's not my fault that god and sculpted such perfection.

       "Denise has informed me that her and the girls are going to keep Roxy out of the house. Just long enough to sneak you in and set up a little get together." A small smile was framed on his face before he went on. "She's sweet like that. Makes sure everyone has that magical moment. She knows how much Roxy and the boys miss you." It was true I talked to Finn and TJ almost every weekend on the phone. It broke my heart when I told them I didn't know when I'd see them again.
       "I can't thank you enough for doing this. It's been so long since I've seen my sister."The last time we saw each other was the day I left. My suitcase was barely in the trunk of the taxi when she came sprinting out of the house. Roxy told me I had to leave and I that there was no way in hell I should ever look back. She told me just how badly I had to get out, that I had to have the future she couldn't have.

        "It's truly nothing. It is the least I can do for all the things Roxy and the family have done for us." He paused for a moment and cleared his throat before continuing. "Roxy is really one hell of a woman."

        A goofy smile was slapped on my face at his words. "Yes, yes she is."


         Needless to say. I was not prepared for the events that were laid out in front of me. I was not prepared to be in tears at the sight of my sister. There she was. After all this time. She was smiling up at me as I came running across the lawn. To say she was shocked was an understatement. Mouth wide open the closer I got. The comment "you look like a New York slut, but in a good way" had left her mouth. I wasn't even phased.

        Denise had struggled to keep Roxy busy and out of the house. They were about half way through convincing her to leave and Trevor had managed to let it slip. I thought Denise was going to kill him when Frank told me what had happened. To spend that much time trying to make the perfect reunion for your friend and to have it ruined had to be heartbreaking. In the end I think Denise was more thrilled to see her best friend so happy. 

        The night was filled with laughter and lots of shots. Roxy compained the enitre time about how she couldn't drink. I may or may not of had a little too much fun rubbing it in. 

        We cried, a lot, but I was home. I was with my family. That was all that mattered. 


oh god so this is a shit chapter and my first time updating in over a year.  But stick with me. I promise it'll get better.

i'm so sorry so sooooooooo sorry that it's short but it was all I had and I felt I should update and it should be my gift to you for the holidays.


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