Part 1; Lost Guest

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(Y/n) was in the living room, browsing the web to try and entertain herself.   Nothing appeared fun anymore.  She had done most everything she could do, but none of it really kept her attention.  She would go outside, but she was limited to her yard and the woods, which got boring after 2 weeks of quarantine. 

She looked up when heard someone approaching her from hallway.  She assumed it was her mother telling her that it was time to go to bed, or at least get in her bedroom.  (Y/n) stood and grabbed her laptop.  When she closed it, the room was almost completely dark, the only light being the moon that was beaming through the curtains.  

Right when (Y/n) was about to turn to walk down the hallway, she bumped into someone.  She subconsciously apologized before she froze.  

(Y/n) ran into someone's chest... and (Y/n) was the tallest member in the family.

She spun on her heels and tackled the intruder, not caring about what would happen to the computer.  

The intruder had enough time to turn around, but that was it.  (Y/n) was now on top of the stranger, wrestling to pin down his arms.  Unfortunately, he managed to roll the two of them over, causing them to trade spots.  

Before long, he managed to grab both of (Y/n)'s hands with one of his, and used his other to cover her mouth.  

(Y/n) could somewhat see what he looked like.  He had short black hair, dilated red eyes, and was as pale as pale got.  Then she saw something... red... on his cheeks... .  That couldn't be... .

(Y/n)'s mind was racing about what she could do... then she thought about what direction he had appeared from... the hallway where all of the bedrooms were situated.

Was her whole family dead? Just like that... ?

This was madness.  (Y/n) couldn't think straight, and the dog barking certainly didn't help.

Was this how she was going to die?  In her own house because she wasn't strong enough to push someone off of her?

"What's going on?!"  (Y/n)'s dad yelled.  Snapping out of her moment of panic, (Y/n) realised that she didn't seem trapped anymore.  

The-the person!  Where'd they go?!  (Y/n) shot her head around, searching in every dark corner but.. 

the intruder was gone!

But... where to?!

(Y/n) replayed the events in her mind... one moment he was there, right there on her!  But... the next he was... gone?  Just... he just disappeared into thin air?

"I... I-I just tripped over some toys that were left out.  I'm sorry I'll be more careful next time.  I didn't mean to wake you," (Y/n) concluded, speaking to her father.  That must have been what had happened!  Right?  She was still on the floor, were she had been before.

(Y/n) had been prone to sleep walk... so had she just dreamt that up?  Nothing had ever felt so real!

Confused and starstruck, (Y/n) sat up and felt something roll off of her torso.  She peered down the hallway and reached for the mystery object.  The girl stood and put item under the moonlight.  She almost dropped it in surprise.  

It was... the intruder?  But... smaller?  Was this like his version of a business card?  A warning?  

(Y/n) shivered at the thought.  He would be back?  When?

(Y/n) placed the... thing down on a table and sat on the floor.  She placed her head in her hands to try and calm herself down; her heart beating out of her chest.  The pounding blocked out every other noise.  

The panicked girl felt a hand placed on her back, a very cold hand, yet she did not retract.  She instead focused on the sensation, it was a drastic difference from what temperature her body currently was.  

She felt as if she was on fire, adrenaline was being pumped throughout her body, so she felt the need to get up and jump around, but she resisted.  She was aware that those sorts of actions wouldn't help her.

So she sat there for a few minutes and the hand remained.   (Y/n) started to lean towards the touch, and before long she was leaning on the person who had placed a hand on the back of her shoulder.  They hesitantly wrapped one arm around (Y/n)'s waist and another around her shoulders.   

(Y/n) let a long, exasperated sigh.  She was drained.  She doesn't actually remember the last time she got a good rest, nor the last time she had eaten.  

The (H/c) girl was about to speak, but a younger voice beat them to it.

"You're both okay!" The newcomer said. It belonged to (Y/n)'s younger sister, Annika.

"Yes, me and Father are alright... I just tripped."


The person holding you tightened their grip.

"Don't... don't you mean-- ," Annika started, but the person removed their hand from your shoulders and placed an index finger on their lips.

Annika nodded and said, "Don't you mean... you... fell?"  as she looked all the way around the two people on the floor.  It was really more of a question to herself, for she wasn't sure if it was good enough to keep her sister from getting suspicious.

"Y-yeah, I suppose you could say that."

You slowly stood up and brushed yourself off, however, when you rose to your feet, you started to fall.  The person who was situated behind you, thankfully, caught you.  Everything was spinning and you felt like you were going to throw up.

You tried to walk to the bathroom, but your legs were too shaky to do anything.  The dog, Aprow, started to whine.  

"Ba... b-bath... bathro-om. I... I need to get to... ." 

You heard some voices talking, but didn't pay them any mind.  You tried walking again, but you realized that your feet were no longer on the ground.  Someone was carrying you.  It couldn't have been Annika...  .  Was it your parents?  No, they would have dropped you by now.

You decided that right now, it didn't matter.  After the journey that seemed to take forever came to an end, you were standing in front of the bathroom.  You pushed off of the person behind you and landed on your knees.  You then proceeded to crawl towards the toilet.  

You started gagging, but that was all that happened.  Nothing came out because there was nothing to come out.  This wasn't helping you, it only made your head hurt.

You heard a few clicks that resembled the cabinet being opened.  Then some rattles.  

And eventually a voice, soft, yet somewhat demanding, "I need a cup.  Do you think you could get me that?"  All the while, you were still dry heaving and trying to get the black spots out of your vision.

Minutes later, a cup of water and a pill was presented to you. 

You... you think that you took the pill and washed it down with water before everything finally faded away.


Woo!  First part down!  I will get back to the other book, maybe, but right now I have ideas for this one, plus, I haven't really updated in a while.  While the chapters/parts of this will be shorter, they will be published more often... or at least that's the plan.  When I finish this one (If I finish this one), I'll revise and continue working on my original book/fanfic.

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