chapter 1

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"Lani! Where's my keys!" I yelled out loudly while frantically running around the small dorm room. I checked my usual spot over and over hoping by some miracle it appears.

"How should I know where your keys are?" My roommate/best friend called, unbothered by how distressed I was.

Leilani wasn't a person who generally didn't care about my concerns or personal items. If anything, she's the most caring person I know. Just according to her 'Life's too short to be sad, so quit being a bitch.' Is a go-to. Of course, it just had to apply now when im rushing so i'm not late for my job interview.

"You drove my car yesterday!" I reminded growing more and more agitated. I checked the counter tops and floor and the tables, everywhere that i've already checked 5 times over each. It's as if it disappeared completely just to mess with me.

"Okay, okay, relax. Do you have a spare key?" Lani asked sitting up on the couch and finally giving me her full attention. "The spare key fell in the lake remember? Then that huge fish came and ate it." I recalled shivering at the unpleasant memory.

"Oh yeah I remember that. That's the last time I try to feed those ducks. Fucking demon ducks, I hate them." Leilani expressed with disgust written all on her face. I groaned

"I know. You've told me only a million times how much you hate ducks." I grumbled not stopping a second of my search. "Well ducks, and every other bird on the planet. You can't tell me they aren't evil! Just.. Loud, talking, pooping machines."

"Babies are pretty similar." I replied not even looking up to the nonchalant girl. I checked every spot and crevice of this place but came up short. I huffed in annoyance seeing that I wasn't getting any closer to finding it. I was nearly considering asking one of the neighbors for a lift.

"I found your keys!" My best friend exclaimed suddenly. I looked up in happiness only to have her laugh loudly. "Ha made you look!"

I rolled my eyes again feeling much more frustrated than I was before. "Lani I'm serious! I can't be late for this interview! I need to get a job and start paying off my debt so I can live a happy life, and be the best Veterinarian California has ever seen!" I banged my fist against the coffee table for emphasis only to hear the familiar clink against glass. I picked up a stack of papers, and by the grace of God I have found my car keys.

I snatched them up and quickly made my way towards the door. "Go kill it Julbug! I believe in you!" Lani yelled just as I yelled a goodbye and walked out the door.

I practically ran down the student hallway almost knocking into a couple of people and getting cussed off on the way to the parking lot. I could care less. I've been rejected from a lot of job offers and this interview is important to me. Though it has nothing to do with Veterinary, I applied at a pet store so at least I'd be with animals.

I'm very passionate about my future career and I've always been a perfectionist including with time, presentation, studies and so on, so losing my keys at the last moment made me completely unsettled. I internally slapped myself for being so careless. I took a deep breath, started my car and drove off campus.

I can be a stick in the mud at times no doubt, but it's all I care about. I strive for excellence and maybe that's nerdy, but it's my thing. It's not unreasonable to want to be good at something, but I want to be best. It is the fuel that gets me going every morning, and if I lack that, I am nothing.

I groaned once again when I came into traffic. It's like the world hates me! I originally planned to leave a lot earlier so I didn't catch the traffic, but of course something happened and now I'm going to be late without a doubt. Anxiety washed over me. I lightly scratched at the steering wheel looking around seeing if the traffic will let up any time soon. I whined, my heart rate beginning to pick up.

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