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harper's pov

i heard the ring of the doorbell knowing it had to be him. i got up out of the chair i had been sitting in for what seemed like hours to open up the door. standing in front of me was none other than jack gilinsky. football captain and qb1, the number of schools offering him scholarships is almost as high as his ego. not only is he extremely good at football but he also has a huge following on social media. i can't stand this kid, but our mutual friends set us up to go on a double date so i have to get through one night.

i open the door and see him dressed in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. i on the other hand, am wearing a tight fitted blue dress & heels. off to a rough start already.

"hi!" i fake smiled after opening the door and showing him inside.

he just smiled and walked inside. "okay so where's the place?" he asked, throwing his keys down.

"well, where did jack say to meet?" i slowed down my speech, "the one thing i asked you to do, you didn't do it, did you?" i half smiled.

he just giggled and shook his head.

"that's alright! i'll just text maya and find out from her." i tried my best to make light of the situation.

my best friend, maya, has been dating jack's best friend, jack johnson, for a while now. yes, they have the same name which can get confusing at times but we usually call them by last names which helps.

i eventually got a text saying where to meet and grabbed my stuff before walking out the door with jack.

his car smelt like febreze and alchohol, not to mention it was a mess. we sat in my driveway for a couple seconds. then seconds turned into minutes, soon it felt like forever. i glanced at jack, "are we leaving anytime soon?"

" yeah," he looked up from his phone, "just let me send this text."

i then saw him texting another girl talking about their plans for tonight. not to mention the explicit pictures and things she was saying to him.

"jack, you know we don't have to do this," i lied.

"wait, seriously?" he got excited.

"are you kidding me?" i raised my voice.

"what? you said we didn't have to."

"this is supposed to be a double date for maya and johnson," i lectured, "as their friends we should be there to support them."

"yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes, "let's just go."

he started pulling out of the driveway. the silence was uncomfortable but i could bear it. once we got about a half mile away, he immediately picked up his phone and kept texting the same girl.

"let me out," i shouted.

"what? no," he rolled his eyes.

" i said, pull over and let me out."

he finally pulled over and i climbed out and slammed the door. i immediately got back in and started yelling at him.

"next time you try to go on a date maybe try this. why don't you actually be on time and not start sexting other girls in front of me!"

"she's just my friend!" he defended himself.

"oh so i'm assuming she's just having you approve of her booty pics before they go to someone else. how sweet of you!" then i slammed the door behind me and started dialing maya's number and walking home.

"maya i'm so sorry but we're not gonna make it... no, i just don't think there's any way you'll make it up to me," i laughed.

& now here we are. one year later and jack's in the room beside me, still a douchebag.

our parents started dating a couple weeks after the incident and hit it off really well. they got married about a month ago and haven't left each other's side since. so now me and jack are just step siblings who pretty much hate each other.

"kids, breakfast is ready!" i hear jack's dad yell from the kitchen.

i threw on a nike crop top and some sweats before running downstairs. i walked down to see my mom and step dad cleaning up the kitchen and my three year old sister, kalynn, sitting in her high chair at the kitchen.

"good morning mom, good morning david," i smiled getting a plate of food. i walked to the kitchen table, "good morning kay!" i kissed her on the forehead.

soon i heard heavy footsteps stomping downstairs. oh, lord.

"someone's grumpy," i said with a mouthful of eggs.

"shut it," he jokingly shoved my arm on his way to get some food before sitting down.

"okay kids, listen up," my mom said while taking a seat, "david and i are going to the city tonight for a date, i need both of you to watch kalynn tonight."

jack groaned, "why can't harper just watch her?"

"jack, be good," david raised an eyebrow, "you're a part of this family too."

"we'll be home late, have her in bed by seven," mom explained, "i expect the both of you in bed by the time we get home."

"sounds good," jack fake smiled.

after breakfast, i sat in the living room all morning and caught up on dance moms. jack was live streaming in his room and mom & david were getting ready so all i had to do was find something to keep kalynn busy, which wasn't very hard. there were coloring books everywhere.

i hear mom and david come downstairs. mom walked over to me and paused my tv.

"i need to give you instructions on what to do with kalynn tonight," she sat down and said.

"why can't you tell jack?" i rolled my eyes and asked.

"because," she whispered, "you and i both know he won't listen anyways."

i just chuckled and listened to her instructions.

"she needs a nap at three, a bottle at two, four, and six, & i have a photographer coming at five to take her new pageant pictures, so you need to get her ready for those."

kalynn does beauty pageants. she actually does very well for her age. i know what you're thinking, why would your mom let a three year old girl do pageants. i honestly have no idea.

she entered me in them until i was old enough to talk and say how much i hated them. she always says her dying wish is for me to do at least one more pageant, she wants to raise a miss california. though, i would never do that. it's just too much for me, but i'm really good at helping kalynn. i go to almost every pageant she enters.

"oh, and you need to run her routines with jack in here. she only smiles with jack in the room."

"what if he won't help?" i asked.

"then i'll text him and threaten to ground him if he doesn't," she laughed.

soon we were all by the door waiting on them to leave. we all hugged and waved goodbye.

jack and i watched them drive away before immediately turning to eachother.

"let's go to a party!" we both shouted simultaneously.


hehe i haven't written in so long this is weird.

oh & if u couldn't tell, the italics means it's a flashback

okok the next chapter will be up super soon i got nothing better to do during quarantine hahaha


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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