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Hi this is my first story on this account! I'm going to make more stories on this account as well. All of them being FTM (maybe neutral) stories of course. Okay enough ranting, enjoy the chapter. :)

Title: Coffee accidents

TW- potential dysphoria and disturbance

Your Pov

Steve and I were driving back to the tower. We had just been on a grocery run for the team.

It was Steve's turn to go but I offered to go with him.

Even though I would never admit it I've fallen for the super-soldier.

Not because of his looks, though they didn't hurt. It was his personality and his heart.

He was also the only one I had opened up to about being trans. He took it well which, to be honest, made me cry.

Steve stops at a coffee shop near the tower and gets out

"I'm going to grab us something, you can come with me if you want," he says.

"I think I'll stay, I'm still not feeling a hundred percent," I say. He nods his head, knowing that I was just getting over the flu.

After he goes inside I decide to step out of the car for some fresh air.

After about 10 minutes he comes back out, I walk over to him.

He must not have been paying attention because he bumps into me, spilling coffee on my white shirt in the process.

"Oh god. I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't see you" Steve says franticly.

Through the brown stains, you can see my binder. My dysphoria suddenly kicks in.

I feel like everyone is staring at me, mainly my chest.

I try to cover up my chest, Steve notices.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. Here" he says taking off his jacket.

"You don't have to," I say

"No I caused this and I know how much you hate seeing your chest," He says giving me his jacket

"Thank you," I say shyly as I put it on.

It's big and cozy on me making me blush.

I help Steve pick up our now empty cups from the ground.

"I'll be right back, again," he says going back inside.

I laugh and sit back down on the hood of the car.

A man starts to approach me. He's a middle-aged man, he didn't clean up nice.

"Hey baby, I saw your chest earlier, can I see it again?" He asks trying to grab my waist.

"Go away," I say pushing him.

"ooo feisty," he says trying again, this time grabbing my wrist

"Let. Him. Go" I hear a gruff dark voice say, it was more of a growl.

To my surprise it's Steve. He has never sounded like that.

The man turns around to look at Steve.

"Wait in line pretty boy," The man says squeezing my wrist tighter causing me to yelp.

Steve's eyes go dark, I have never seen him so mad. It sent chills down my spine.

Steve grabs the man by the collar and shoved him to the ground.

Before I know what I'm doing I rush to stop Steve, scared that he might actually kill the man.

I put myself in front of Steve, he stares at me confused.

"Steve don't, it's okay, I'm okay. Let's just go to the tower" I say

He tries to push past me but I place my hands on his chest. He relaxes with my touch.

Steve sighs and reluctantly gets in the car. I follow him and get in the passenger side

The ride back to the tower was silent and tense.

When we parked neither of us moved, we just sat there.

I look over to Steve, he still has that expression on his face. I look to his hands, one gripping the wheel and one on his lap, in a tight fist.

I might regret this.

I gently take my hand and unclench his fist, I intertwined our fingers. He looks at me confused but then sighs seeing my worried face.

"I'm sorry for that, I don't know what happened," he says lowering his head.

I lean in close and kiss his cheek. He looks back at me surprised but then blushes.

"Are you guys gonna get the groceries out or just stare at each other?" Clint says teasing us

Both our faces turn red as we get out and start to grab the groceries with Clint.

After putting all the food up I head to my room and find new clothes to wear.

I stare at Steve's jacket now sad that I have to give it back.

I grab it and walk to his room. I knock on his door.

"One sec (y/n)!" I hear from inside

He opens the door and lets me in.

"How did you know it was me?" I ask

"You're the only one who knocks," He says chuckling.

"Here's your jacket," I say handing it to him.

"Thanks, I'm sorry about spilling that coffee on you," he says

"It's fine, what happened to the coffee you were going to get?" I say teasing him.

"I guess I got distracted," He says a frown forming on his face.

Shouldn't of said that.

"I never got to thank you for doing that to me," I say

"Why wouldn't I?" He asks

"I don't know, I'm not really used to people sticking up for me I guess," I say mumbling the last part

"I think I know why I got so mad," Steve says

I look at him wanting him to continue

"I got angry because one, he was misgendering you and that was enough to make my blood boil. Two, because no one should touch you like that, ever. And three he shouldn't of called you sweetheart, no one should, except-" he cuts himself off, his face turning red.

"Except who?" I ask

"God I can't do this anymore!" Steve says before crashing his lips on mine.

I'm too in shock to move and boy do I regret not moving.

Steve looks at me panicked and sad.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I just-" This time I cut him off

I put a hand on the back of his neck and pull him into a deep kiss.

I hope you liked it. Remember, you are loved. ❤️

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